thirty nine

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I paced back and fourth as Jack ran a hand through his hair

"why did you do that"

"I-I didn't mean to"

I sighed and sat down beside him "i'll see you tomorrow" I got up and walked out of his apartment and down the hall to Zach

Zach and Daniel were standing in the kitchen when Jonah opened the door

I held back tears and Zach gave me a look

"hey, Bry and I are gonna go get some Chipotle, do you guys want anything?" Zach turned and asked Jonah and Daniel

"yeah i'll text you my order" Daniel said as he went back to his computer and beat pad and Jonah danced around to the music

Zach and I left and made our way to his car

"talk to me" Zach said and ran a few hands through my hair and we sat in the car

"i'm sorry to get tmi on you but Jack and I were having sex and he didn't pull out"

his face dropped "what"

I looked at my hands and played with the rings on my fingers, he grabbed my hand and made me look up at him "hey, don't worry, everything will be fine"

I took a deep breath in and let it out

"let's hope"


I woke up beside Jack, it was really early

he had his arms around my waist and he was holding me tightly, I have to pee so bad but I don't want to disturb him

I tried to slowly inch my way out of his arms and I heard him make a waking up sound

"everything okay?" he muttered and I nodded "I have to pee"

"oh" he let go of me and I quickly got up and I rushed to the bathroom and then back to bed, I crawled back in and on top of Jack, he put his arms back around me

I haven't gotten my period yet or taken a pregnancy test, i'm too scared

I would love to have kids with Jack don't get me wrong, I just don't want one right now, i'm not ready and I want some after marriage, our kids would probably be cute

we could have a little boy and get his hair permed so it looks like Jacks and he would probably end up with brown eyes and brown hair, I would want to name him like Elijah so his nickname could be Eli

Jack adjusted himself and pecked my lips then buried his face in my neck and put his hand on my butt

I should probably try to sleep

I woke up to an empty bed, I put Jacks black vans hoodie on over my shorts and shirt and I walked downstairs as I went through my instagram and snapchat

Jack was standing in front of the fridge


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