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It has been like 3 weeks since Jack and I started a friends with benefits thing and its really good except for the fact thats its not an emotional relationship

we can still hang out and laugh and have fun like normal except the little side thing

my phone started ringing and Jack continued to kiss my neck

"wait its my dad" I reached over and he continued to let his hands and mouth roam

"hey dad"

"hi honey, whats up? where are you?"

Jack kissed my neck again and I tried to push him away

"i'm um- at Jacks with the boys"

"with the boys? its not just you and Jack alone is it??"

"no were not alone" Jack looked up as I said this and he smirked

I want to date this guy oh my jeez

I fixed my shirt and my dad sighed "well can you come home and watch Tyson, I have to take Lia out and talk to her"

"ye-yea sure can they come?"

"yup, are you okay?" he asked and Jack removed his head from between my legs and pulled away from me

"ya sorry I was just doing something and it was heavy"

"okay well come home in like 10 minutes, cya later, love you"

"love you too" I hung up

"wheres the rest of the boys?" I asked as he sat up and grabbed him phone

"sleeping or shopping"

"crap, I told my dad you all were coming over so he thought we weren't alone" I sighed and put my clothes properly on

"ill gather them don't worry" he stood up and put his hoodie back on as we walked out toward Corbyns apartment

he opened his door before we knocked

"I gathered them" he pulled us in and I gave them all weird looks "you guys are like mind linked or something its weird"

they all laughed and I informed them that i needed 'help babysitting' so they didn't think anything was going on between Jack and I

we haven't told anyone, I told Olivia the one time but then didn't and she thinks we just stopped talking about that

he didn't want people knowing


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