fifty three

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Jack rushed through the door and Kristin looked up at him as I was sitting on the couch with my head down

"your the one who caused her to see that so you can explain it"

Jacks face went red and Kristin walked away

he gave me a look and sat down on the couch beside Isla "Jack, i'm sorry for looking at your text messages"

"no no don't apologize, it's okay everything's fine, I just don't want anything to confused you"

"well I don't know why you guys were texting like that, like that's the only thing that confuses me really" she gave him an innocent look

"well it's just a grown up thing and you will understand in a few years and we promise will explain it to you then" he smiled and she hugged him tightly then turned to me and hugged me and I smiled wide

she walked to ava


liked by jackaverymusic, oliviaobrien and 103,479 others@bry 🥴—@jackaverymusic 😍> @wdwjustlovejack AW>@bry 💟

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liked by jackaverymusic, oliviaobrien and 103,479 others
@bry 🥴

@jackaverymusic 😍
> @wdwjustlovejack AW
>@bry 💟

@LiaLacey hello beautiful
>@bry I love you

@oliviaobrien hey there cowboy cmon over for a ride 🥴🥴🥴🥴
>@bry already on my way😀🕴🏼😄

@stassiebaby so so pretty

@i_love_why_dont_we_02 r u and jack dating that'd be cute

@oliviasbryden u and olivia need to go on tour again ASAP

@thankfulforbrack (LMFAO I CANT THINK OF ANOTHER ONE) hi u r so pretty

@dontlookatmybio ugly


I tossed my phone on my bed and heard the door open

Conan, Olivia, and this girl I just met recently, Anastasia, but everyone calls her Stassie, walked in

I stood up and looked over the railing of my loft and waved to all them

they smiled

"can we go out and do something?" Conan complained and I nodded

"yes like what"

"um, lets goooo..." Stassie pondered and I laughed as Conan almost fell, I walked down the stairs and grabbed my hoodie- well Jacks hoodie- that was hanging off the railing

"that hoodie is so nice where'd you get it?" Stassie asked



I nodded "yeah"

"how long have you guys been together"

"wait what month is it?"


"8 months"

"only 8 months?" Olivia said shockingly

"yeah why"

"I don't know I feel like you guys have been together for like 2 years"

I smiled "lemme see him" Stas cut off my train of thought and I showed her my lock screen "awe"

"okay i've decided, we're going to chipotle" Conan said

we sat around chipotle and laughed at something I said my phone went off

from Kristin
Bryden! Jacks in the middle of a really really bad panic attack and he needs you please can you come to my apartment?

"guys i'm so sorry I have to go" I got up and rushed outside and got in my car

to Kristin
i'm coming

after about 5 minutes I arrived, the chipotle was literally down the street, thank god

I ran in and knocked on her door, Darrin opened it and I rushed in "they're in the bathroom" Darrin said and I walked over and Jack was sitting on the ground with his head between his legs

Kristin was sitting on the toilet seat and the others were outside the door

I put my hand on his back and he jumped and looked up at me as his eyes watered a little, he reached up and hugged me my keys fell from my hands and hit the ground causing him to jump

"babe it's okay just breath"

Kristin got up and he sat on the toilet seat, my hand rested on his leg and Kristin rubbed his back as he started to calm down, he leaned forward and rested his head on my shoulder

I looked up at Kristin

"it's okay"

it was quiet until he sat back up and ran his hands through his hair "i think i'm okay"

my phone buzzed but I ignored it

it buzzed again and I quickly looked

from Olivia
is Jack okay?

to Olivia
yeah i think

I shoved my phone away

my Dad dropped me off at the chipotle that, Jack, Sydnie, and Makena were at

I walked in and saw Jack sitting while Sydnie and Makena were ordering, I walked toward him and sat down beside him and he looked toward me

I looked at him "what?"

"I have a really really bad boner right now"

"um from what?"

"we were all going through our memories and I saw that video you let me take that one day when we were ya know and holy it just happened so fast I need help with it"

"Jack I don't know what to tell you right now" I laughed and he grabbed my hand and walked us toward the bathroom


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