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Jack asked me to go to his apartment to hang out so thats where I was on my way too

I pulled into the parking lot and walked up

I had a feeling something was going to happen and I was hoping it was gonna be something good

when I reached the door I knocked and he opened it immediately, he rushed me inside and I saw Isla sitting on the couch

"hey babygirl can you go hang out with mom for a bit I want to talk to Bry"

she nodded and he kissed her cheek as she walked out

Jack and I sat on the couch and he flipped through Netflix and put on some random movie "lets be real" he turned


it was quiet before almost immediately I was on top of Jack and we were making out

I don't know what is going through his mind but his hands started roaming my body, I didn't know what to think of this

is he doing this because he has feelings over doing this because he's horny

lets hope for the first option ladies and gentlemen

he flipped us over and I bit his lip lightly, he pulled away and started kissing down my neck pretty sure leaving some hickeys

"Jack" I breathed out and he hummed as his lips reached mine again

we continued to make out for a little longer until things got more heated, his hand went under my shirt and he lifted my top up and let his hands roam

there was a knock on the door and he jumped off of me and went to the door

I ran to the bathroom and saw the small amount of hickeys on my skin, my lips were swollen and I had to fix my bra and shirt

I pulled out my phone

to Olivia
ur not gonna believe what just happened

from Olivia
u fell at chipotle

to Olivia
I- no I had like a 10 minute make out session with Jack, like Jack Avery

from Olivia

I shoved my phone back in my pocket and quickly peaked my head out to see Jack and Zach talking

"Jack i'm gonna borrow a sweater or something its freezing" I rushed from the bathroom to his room and dug through his stuff

I found a salmon champion so I put it on, it was obviously oversized so it covered the new hickeys perfectly

I walked out and Zach smiled at me and suspected nothing

Zach patted the seat beside him so I walked over and sat down beside him, Jack kept glancing over at me while him and Zach talked about rehearsals

"the rest of the boys are coming"

Jack nodded

"ill get going, I don't want to interfere"

"you wont interfere" Jack said and I looked toward him "I have to get going anyway so its fine see you both later" I smiled and walked out


"and look" I pulled down the hoodie to show the hickeys on my neck and Olivia screamed


we both laughed and my phone buzzed

from Jack
well today was fun

I showed Olivia

"TELL HIM 'we should do it again sometime' DO IT"

to Jack
well ur not wrong, we should do it again sometime

from Jack

to Jack

from Jack
I thought I like scared you away or something

to Jack
noo not at all

from Jack
okay well i'm not doing anything tonight so feel free to come over and we can, you know, hang out

I showed Olivia and her jaw dropped "you guys are gonna fuck" she whispered and my eyes widened

"oh my god, oh my god" I stood up


to Jack
okay, what time?

from Jack

"oh its 100 percent now"


Olivia dashed to my closet and pulled out a tiny shirt and leggings

"no no" I walked over and saw an oversized yellow crewneck hoodie and put it on, I put shorts on underneath but you couldn't see them

"PERFECT, now go!"

"um Liv its only 5"

she laughed and Tyson ran into my room


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