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I set Lia's box down in her kitchen and groaned "thats it i'm done"

"Bryden that was the first box" she laughed but got cut off by her phone ringing

"hello?" she looked confused and shocked and excited all at the same time, I gave her a look back "what?"

"moms home"

we bursted through the door and we both tackled her with hugs

she laughed and pulled away

we never see her because shes off travelling the world but she never comes home without reasoning so i'm kinda scared

we talked and I got a text

from Jack

to Jack

from Jack
the boys and I are going bowling wanna come

to Jack
I cant my mom is home

from Jack
awh okay, another time tho!

I shoved my phone back in my pocket until I realized that was the first text he sent me that wasn't 'come over' or 'I want you'

he was probably just being nice

"boyfriend?" my mom raised her eyebrows and I shook my head "no why"

"who's 'jack'"

"my friend" I said and she nodded

"so can we go out for dinner tonight?" my mom asked us and we nodded and I immediately rushed upstairs to get ready

I was wearing a white long sleeve, black shirt with the Beatles on it, and leggings with white nike socks that stuck out a little and nike air forces

my hair was straightened

I got a text

from Sydnie
hey b! wanna hang out im like super bored

to Sydnie
yes ofc, whatcha wanna do

from Sydnie
do u have a longboard

to Sydnie

from Sydnie

Sydnie and I have been skating down the paths along the beach and its been almost too much fun

we slowed down and stopped at this milkshake place that was super underrated

"Jack told me you can sing?"

I nodded "yeah, its not really something i'm like proud of though, like probably not gonna do anything with it"

my phone went off

from Lia
hey want me to come pick u up now, were meeting mom in 20 minutes

to Lia

Lia and I have been waiting for my mom for the last 45 minutes

she obviously isn't coming but we are still here

my phone went off and I quickly checked it

from Tonia
hey, I just wanted to say thanks for being so nice to me while I was with your dad and i'm sorry things came out this way but you are always welcome to come see Tyson

I showed Lia and we were both confused

to Tonia
hi, what happened?

from Tonia
did he not tell you?

to Tonia

from Tonia
well he cheated on me with a bunch of his clients from work, every time he said going to 'coffee with them' he was doing a lot more.

I showed Lia and we both quickly stormed out of the restaurant and I texted my mom on the way out

to mom
thanks for ditching us it means a lot.

This is night is going horrible, we got home and my dad was no where to be found

Lia and I went back to her apartment and I called Jack


"hey" my voice cracked

"is everything alright?"

"can you come over to my sisters apartment or something"

"yeah text me her address"

I texted him the address and within 20 minutes there was a knock at the door "who is it?" Lia asked


I got up and opened the door, I didn't know why I was slightly crying but this was overwhelming, Tonia is leaving with Tyson and ill barely see him, my mom ditched us, my dad is a piece of shit and this all happened in one night

Jack saw my face and immediately wrapped his arms around me

I buried my face into his shoulder and he moved us forward and shut the door behind us

"what happened"

I stayed silent for a minute and just stayed in his arms, I pulled away and wiped my eyes and dragged him toward the kitchen table and showed him the texts and explained everything

from Olivia
hey Lia texted me, r u alright

to Olivia
no, this whole situation is fucked up

Jack grabbed my hand and I gave him a thankful look

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