fifty two

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Lia and I were sitting in my kitchen and we were having a girls night, I drank wine while she had water due to the baby

we binged a bunch of movies and just hung out and talked

"so how are things with Jack?" she asked as I began making food for us

"things are really good, he's just so amazing and I can genuinely say i'm in love with him"

she smiled

"how's things with the baby"

"oh amazing, i'm so excited for him or her, it's a while away but i'm still excited"

I got into the studio and my manager, Tom was already here, they wanted me to start releasing more songs and I was down for it

"I have a few songs written that I wanted to show you" I walked toward Tom and sat down

he opened the book

I had one called, I love you (listen to it, it's by billie and it's amazing) and another one called xanny (also billie)

"I really like them both so let's start recording them"

we had a small studio and the producer wasn't well known but he was still really nice

we began

after about 4 hours we finished and I had finally left, I started going home but decided to make a quick stop at the mall

I heard my name being called


I turned and saw two girls and this boy walking, they looked 16 but who knows how old they are

"can we get a picture"

"yeah of course"

the boy took it and then he took one with me

"I just want you to know that you have really helped me through a lot, your music has inspired me too start singing and not just in the shower" the girl laughed and I hugged her

"thank you, that means a lot"

"no thank you, have an amazing day we love you"

"I love you guys too bye" I smiled and they walked away, that was so fricken adorable

I walked into victoria's secret and started walking around then quickly got bored and went home

as soon as I was home Jack texted me

from Jack💍💖
hey baby

to Jack💍💖

from Jack💍💖
i'm in the studio rn and i'm in a situation🥴

to Jack💍💖
oh my what

from Jack💍💖
we're recording this song and it has a little 'part' and I sang it and my mind started roaming and many thoughts came through and now my situation has risen

I laughed at the last part

to Jack💍💖
so what do I have to do??

from Jack💍💖
send me something

to Jack💍💖
ok one sec

from Jack💍💖
pls hurry

I started talking some pictures and sent them to him, it went on for like 5 minutes until he went quiet for a second

I fixed myself up a bit and walked down to the kitchen

my phone started ringing


"Bryden there's an issue" Jack sounded frantic


"we were texting and I accidentally texted my mom instead of you"

"Jack ur kidding"

"no you need to get to the apartment as fast as you can and make sure she's not on her phone and then DELETE IT"

I was already in my car before he finish that sentence

"i'm leaving now- wait what was the text"

"i'm with the boys again, I can't say it out loud" I heard the boys laughing in the background at him and I laughed as well

"just say it they obviously already read it"

he sighed "you sent the picture and I sent 'you're so fucking sexy and I can't wait till I can get home to f-" I cut him off "okay i get it"

"are you almost there?"

"i'm parking and running"

"don't hang up"


I ran up the stairs as he started facetiming
me instead of the phone call

I answered and Zach waved from across the room and Jack looked at the camera as I rushed down the hall

Sydnie was walking out of Kristin's room "Syd is your mom in there?"

she nodded and I knocked and Ava answered

"hi beautiful" I smiled and she hugged me "hi"

I saw Isla and she was on Kristin's phone

"Isla hunny is that your moms phone?"

she nodded "yeah, hi" she put it down and rushed to hug me, Jack stopped talking to Corbyn and he looked at the camera

"Isla has the phone?"


"is that Jacky"

I nodded "yeah talk to him" I gave her my phone and picked up Kristin's phone and deleted the text

when I turned back to Isla Jack hung up and our texts were in screen, she looked at them and my jaw dropped and Jack facetimed back

she looked at me then answered him

"what were you guys talking about?"

"nothing, just my new song"

Kristin walked in

"mommy can I ask you something?" Isla asked Kristin and she nodded and my face went red and I grabbed my phone and started texting to Jack

from Jack💍💖
Isla read the texts when u hung up


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