twenty seven

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They pushed everyone out of the room like an hour ago, we got to the La hospital two days ago and they still haven't helped him but they figured out that he had 2 broken a ribs and it was crushing his lungs causing him to struggle with breathing, he also has a severe concussion, a fractured wrist and a bunch of bruises all over his body

that's all we know but they said there is probably more done we are just waiting now

Islam walked up to me and crawled on my lap, I wrapped my arms around her as she wiped her eyes, she was really worried and has been crying for some time

"is he gonna be okay?"

"yeah honey"

she sighed and the doctor walked out

"anyone here for Jack Avery?"

I looked over

"we can do 2 at a time just to not overwhelm his concussion"

Kristin put her hand on her shoulder "you and Isla go, she needs to see him" she smiled and I nodded and walked with Isla to his room

the lights were dimmed and he had bandages wrapped around his torso, his wrist, and he just had a black eye

Isla rushed to him and hugged him, she squeezed him and he winced

"sorry" she apologized and he kissed her head

"it's okay baby girl, i'm okay"

I walked over and sat in the chair closest to his bed, Isla leaned her head on his chest and he looked toward me and gave me a faint smile

I grabbed his hand and he laid back


I walked into the hospital with Ava and we went straight to Jacks room, the fans have been notified that Jack was hurt because they were supposed to have a show today but they had to cancel due to him struggling to breathe

Jack was sitting up just on his phone

"hey" he smiled and we both sat down in the chair "hi, how's the breathing?"

"um struggling" he chuckled

"how are you feeling overall" Ava asked and he shrugged

"everything hurts still, and i'm still sensitive to light and stuff but the concussion seems to be getting better, i'm just disappointed about the show and how I let them all down"

"no no you didn't let them down, you guys are planning the show for when your better so don't worry" I grabbed his hand

the nurse walked in and started doing some quick check ups on Jack

"so you seem to be doing better, we are pretty sure you will be able to go home by tonight if nothing else happens, you just need to get your parent or guardian to sign your release forms"

"okay" he smiled and she walked out

"Big Plans is doing pretty good" Ava said and she turned her phone toward Jack

"were number 1?"

she nodded


(let's go with it even tho it's october and big plans came out like 2 days ago)

Jack got released 2 days ago and he's been hanging around his apartment

they re scheduled their show for Thursday and it's now Tuesday so he's been practicing singing, he's been doing good on the songs where he is singing deeper but struggling with high notes because of how much air he needs for it

it hurts him and we're all worried

I walked out of his bathroom and Corbyn was trying to help Jack with high notes

"maybe we should do a practice on the actual stage with speakers and stuff just to see what it's like?"

"yeah maybe"

he seemed disappointed in himself

"okay i'll go talk to Tyler and see if we can go tomorrow morning"

Jack nodded and Corbyn left

I sat down beside him

"don't be disappointed in yourself"

"I-i'm just mad that I can do it like it's stressing me out, we can change the date AGAIN but we can't change the set list because limelight's are excited to hear Big Plans in person"

"listen, you got this okay, don't stress, don't be mad at yourself, it's not your fault that whoever crashed into you crashed"

he sighed and leaned back against the couch, I rested my hand on his knee and kissed his cheek

"don't worry babe"

he looked at me lovingly and then leaned in to kiss me "thanks for coming to stay with me most of the time" he smiled

"well of course how could I not"


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