twenty four

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I was on my way out of millennial dance complex when Tessa stopped me

"so I wanna do this dance but it's a duet so, wanna be in it with me?" she smiled widely and I nodded immediately "yes of course!"

she smiled and hugged me

"well my ride is here"

"who's your ride"

"Jack" I smiled as we walked toward his car which was parked out front of the studio, as I opened the door and they waved at each other and the door shut

he smiled at me "thanks for picking me up, Conan was supposed to but he got busy with a guy"

he laughed "it's fine"

My phone went off and I checked it

from Tye
so u have like a new boyfriend or sum

to Tye

from Tye
don't act dumb.

to Tye
why does it concern u

from Tye
he seems like he could put up a fight but i'd probably end up winning lmfao

to Tye

from Tye
come over and I won't do shit to him

to Tye
no i'm not going over

from Tye
well looks like i'm on my way to his apartment, his address was leaked a month ago it's not gonna be hard lmfao

a tear streamed down my face and I rushed outside to my car

Tye was a horrible person who did some horrible things to me and I doubt that he is joking around right now

when I arrived at the apartment complex I ran up to his floor not even taking the elevator

I frantically knocked on his door and I tried to text him but he didn't answer, I heard him raising his voice and I panicked

the door slowly opened and Jacks face appeared, as soon as he saw me his mood changed from laughing to worried

my arms wrapped around him and I heard Zach ask what's wrong

Jack shuffled around while keeping me in his arms and Zach walked out so that we could be alone

"hey, hey, hey" he whispered as he tried to calm me down, my tears kept streaming down my face because I know that I was the one who was getting him into this situation

I held onto him and he rubbed my back

"just breathe"

after like 10 minutes I started to calm down and he played with my hair

"what happened"

I pulled away from him and we sat down on the couch

"my ex boyfriend h-he was not good to me or anyone around him a-and" I wiped the tears from my face and he grabbed my hand

"how was he not good to you?"

"I was a virgin when I met him and he-he forced me to do this with him but it was my first real relationship so I thought it was normal, I was convinced that it was normal when we would fight and he would insult me and hurt me"

"hurt you?"

"like hit me"

my eyes have been down the whole time, nobody's ever known this

I looked up at him and all he had was worry in his eyes "I'm sorry I can't talk about it anymore but he texted me like a while ago and asked me to go over and I said no but then he texted me today and said that he would come and like harm you in some way because of your address being leaked and he said he was on his way so I rushed over"

"you freaked out that much because you were worried that he would hurt me?" he moved closer

"yeah" I said weakly

"he won't touch me, trust" he kissed my cheek and I leaned against him as he rubbed my back


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