thirty six

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Jack was sitting in my bed beside me playing fortnite, I leaned my head on his shoulder

"so what are we doing for your birthday?" Jack asked and I groaned "nothing, lets just like spend it in bed all day"

"look i'm all for that, but i'm gonna need a few naps between" he laughed as he shut his laptop off and sat up looking at me

"no, I mean like let's sleep through it"

"what?! no we are gonna do something, what if we at least go out for dinner"


my birthday is in 2 days and nobody ever does anything big for my birthday so I just try and brush it off like it's nothing so nobody feels bad about it

Olivia and I danced around to our song and I showed her my song choices for the tour and she screamed from excitement

"just picture it, you and i, travelling like across America AND CANADA, we are gonna have so much fun"

"when we get back, the boys leave for their tour the same day, and their tour is 2-3 months"

"it's okay, we can have girls weekend every weekend"

I laughed and Lia walked in

"wow look at our lil squad getting back together"

"we only separated because this one got a boyfriend" Olivia pointed at me and we all laughed "I have attachment issues with Jack, like right now I miss him"

they both smiled

"you are so in love with him and it's so cute I wanna throw up" Olivia laughed and I smiled

(2 days later)

I got out of Jacks car, I was wearing a long sleeve short pale blue body con dress with plain white slip on vans because I really wasn't feeling heels today

Jack hopped out of the car and grabbed my hand, today was my birthday and since he insisted on doing something for it he said he had a surprise

we had pulled up in front of this hall? or something but it looked like a pretty big place where events would be held

Jack was wearing black pants with a Louis Vuitton belt and a plain black Gucci sweatshirt tucked in at the front so you could see his belt

"I don't understand why I had to wear a dress and you get to wear a sweatshirt and black pants"

he smirked and kissed my cheek

we walked in and there were lights hanging from the ceiling and one whole wall was covered in pictures of me with friends, family, and many others

before I had any more time to scan the room everyone jumped out and yelled surprised

I covered my mouth and bursted into laughter and leaned against Jack

"no way" Olivia ran up to me

"HAPPY 19TH BIRTHDAY BABY" Olivia and Lia both squeezed me and we all laughed

I looked around the room again as everyone calmed down, in front of the picture wall there were two big ballons with the numbers 1 and 9

everything was decorated perfectly, there were a few fake plants scattered around, there was a photo both, a bar

I looked at the faces of the people and I saw all of my friends, including all the why don't we girlfriends and family members who were above 16

Olivia smiled at me

"did you plan this?"

she shook her head

"nope all him" I turned to look at Jack who was laughing at something his mom and Daniel said

"i'm in love with him"

"I know"

I rushed toward him and hugged him

"thank you"

Kristin and Daniel walked away "of course babe, you deserve something amazing for you birthday"

I walked around and said hi to everyone, my aunt and uncle were standing near the bar with my dad and they laughed at something

Jack and I walked over and he put his arm around my waist

"hi" I smiled at them all and they all hugged me and said happy birthday

"hi i'm Jack" Jack smiled and shook my uncles hand and then my aunt reached out to hug him "I'm the annoying hugger of the family" they both laughed

we continued into a conversation

I turned and saw my mom and Lia talking

I know I haven't really talked to her, but I missed her

"Jack you didn't" I looked at him shocked and he turned and looked toward my mom and Lia and then back at me

"oops" he shrugged and laughed

I ran to my mom and hugged her "i'm sorry for not forgiving you, I love you"

she squeezed me "it's okay hunny, i'm sorry for ditching, I love you more" I turned back and Jack was talking to my uncle, aunt, and dad

I admired him, this is for sure taking number one for my favourite things to do with him because he gets along so well with everyone we meet and he knows how to act around certain people and I can just admire him while he talks and it's like falling in love all over again


I told him I loved him the other day

oh my god

why am I just remembering this now

oh fuck


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