thirty seven

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I woke up and immediately sat up, yesterday night was amazing, my birthday party was so much fun then I went home with Jack, hung out with his family for a bit, then we went to his apartment for a little to do some..stuff, and then he drove me home

Olivia's manager has figured out that they want me to release an EP before we go on tour because they want people to sing the songs and it not be quiet while i'm singing so I was going to the studio today

most of my songs were already written so I had to record and make them good

I was wearing Jacks blue, green, orange, red, and white striped crewneck sweater that had the word 'best' on the front with just black leggings and black Balenciaga's

I left my hair how it was and then rushed out to my car and rushed to the studio

when I got there Olivia was just sitting on the couch

"Bryden meet Jeremy, Jeremy meet Bryden"

we shook hands

"let's get working"

I bursted into Jacks apartment, he was doing a bunch of interviews with the boys but I didn't feel like going home right now

I got into the studio at 6 am and it's 10 pm right now, i've spent all day stressing about every little thing, I started thinking about when Olivia and I go on tour

The boys leave for tour the day that Olivia and I's starts November 23rd and goes till December 14th and the boys leave December 13th

they get a break for Christmas and new years but then they go right back to tour

I crashed onto his couch and groaned

the door opened and the five boys bursted through the door laughing, they all said hi to me and Jack leaned down and kissed me

"my mom wants us to go over for dinner tonight"

I nodded and smiled at him, he looked stressed but I knew now wasn't the time to ask him about it.

we got to Kristin's apartment like 2 hours ago and we've eaten and now we're all just hanging out, I was talking to Darrin about Isla and the horses

Jack was talking to his mom

Kristin stood up "Jack and I will be right back"

he still has a stressed and upset look on his face so I assumed that's why Kristin brought him out

"Bry!" I heard Sydnie yell for me


"come here" I got up and walked toward her room and she was laying on her bed

"i'm going to New York to visit Lucas and I need help with outfits"

I nodded and sat on her bed as she showed me the ones she liked

Ava walked in and sat down beside me

Sydnie set her hoodie she was holding down and sighed as she looked at me "what?" I asked and she sat down beside me

"has Jack seemed off to you tonight?" Sydnie asked and I nodded

"I was thinking that"

"has he said anything to you?" Ava asked and I shook my head as Isla came rushing into the room

"Bryden, Jack needs you"

I stood up and she grabbed my hand and dragged me toward the kitchen

Jack was sitting on a stool while Kristin sat beside him and had her hand on his back and he sighed loudly

I walked over and Isla climbed onto his lap

I sat in the chair beside him and he looked up at me his eyes looked slightly puffy

"Jack? what's wrong?"

he put his hand on my knee and sniffled "nothing i'm good, my mom and I just got into a deep conversation and it got emotional" he chuckled and rubbed his eyes

"why'd Isla get me then"

"Isla got you?"

"yeah she ran into Syd's room and said you needed me"

Jack looked at Isla and kissed the side of her head "she did that by herself"

she hugged him and kissed his cheek


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