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I rolled over in my apartment bed and completely forgot last nights events but Jack was asleep next to me

all I remember was Jack coming over and us drinking a little too much but after that, nothing

I got out of bed and I was still in my outfit from yesterday so that means we didn't do anything

I quickly rushed to the bathroom and showered, brushed my teeth, brushed my hair and put it into a messy bun, i'm starting to want my pink hair gone

After I finished getting ready I walked out and saw Jack covering his eyes but trying to look for his phone

"that window is so bright"

"it's not that bad but you are also very hungover"

"what even happened last night" he sat up as he put his hood over his head and I shrugged "I don't know"

"and why aren't you hung over?"

"I don't get hungover"

"I hate you, feel my pain" he groaned and stood up, he almost tipped over but I rushed to help him stand up

"can you drive me home" he found a pair of my sunglasses and put them on

I laughed "yes"

we walked out to the car and I helped him walk

as we drove I could feel him glancing at me many many times and I tried to make myself look cute each time he looked

it's so weird because we act like grade 8s who have crushes on each other even though we have made out and, we'll you know, more then 10 times

I pulled up in the parking garage and got out with him, we almost made it to the door to the stairs and he looked at me "Bry"


he immediately crouched over the trash can that was by the door and starting vomiting intensely

I sighed and rubbed his back

"oh man this isn't good I want to go lie down" he groaned and I helped him stand and then walk again

we made it to his apartment and he had a pillow and a blanket as he laid on the bathroom floor

he didn't want to be alone and his mom was busy so I was left to sit here

my phone started buzzing

I picked up


"hi where are you" Jonah's voice came from over the phone

"Jacks, why?"

"I went to this coffee place and asked for two hot coffees but they gave me two iced and your one of the only people I know who loves iced coffee so i'm coming to bring them to you"

"okay i'm in his bathroom, doors unlocked"

it took about 5 minutes but Jonah arrived, he saw Jack on the ground and he sat down beside me "did he drink last night?"

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