forty one

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I approached the gate with Olivia, I said goodbye to everyone last night but Jack and Lia came with us to the airport

Jack hugged me and his hand rested on my butt as he leaned down and kissed me

"hey, avery, watch the hands" Lia lectured him and he laughed as he lifted it up to my lower back

"i'll facetime you when we get to the hotel I promise" I smiled and he nodded as he kissed me again, I squeezed him

"bye babe" he said as I let go of him

he hit my butt as I walked away and Lia hit his arm, I laughed as the two of them started jokingly bickering


Olivia and I arrived at the venue the next morning, we were in Atlanta today, we start rehearsals in like 20 minutes and the show starts at 6 and goes till 9 I think

i'm nervous

actually that's an understatement

i'm terrified

we walked in and Olivia's manager, well I guess mine now too, walked up to us and rushed us to backstage, i've been backstage with the boys and i've been to many concerts but this one has like Olivia and I all over it, it's so weird

the tour manager, Frankie, came up to me

"okay so we're starting off with you and Olivia singing the normal song, then Olivia will sing Fuck Feelings, and then you can do Session 32"

I nodded and the rehearsals began

after many hours we had it pretty good

"IM EXCITED" Olivia yelled and jumped into my arms, we hugged

"meet and greet is in 10" Tom, our manager, said and rushed to stage production

everything was organized and we stood in front of this purple and white backdrop

the doors opened and I looked at Olivia nervously

"dude it'll be fine don't worry" she smiled and I gave her a non reassured smile, my phone buzzed and I checked it quickly before everyone came in

from Jack💕🌏
ik ur probably freaking out rn but don't worry, they already love you

to Jack💕🌏
I love you

A fan walked over and I put my phone in my pocket and she walked over and hugged me

"hi" I smiled and she looked up at me

"I literally love you so much"

"I love you more, awh" I smiled and she hugged Olivia and we smiled for the picture

the meet and greet went by and it was pretty much the same but I love this so much, i'm getting to meet the people who support me no matter what, I know some of them are only here for Olivia but the ones who are here for me are really making me happy

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