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I walked into the venue with Tate and we had to find Keri, Anna, and Christian

we flew into Las Vegas yesterday

Jeff was parking because he drove us and we were now stuck in the middle of fangirl central, some people started realizing it was us and we took a few pictures and then rushed away

"wait Bryden!" someone yelled out and I turned and saw a young girl


"oh my god no way" she covered her mouth and ran and hug me

"I run the account called thankfulforbrack on instagram and it would mean so so SO much if you could follow me"

"of course I can" I pulled out my phone and I followed her and started looking through her account "wow you have literally been supporting since the first rumour"

she nodded and I hugged her again

"it actually means so much because I can get a lot of hate but when people like you appear in my life it's so uplifting, thank you, I love you"

"I love you more" she smiled

"Bry cmon" Tate rushed me

"okay I have to go find the boys before they start, have such an amazing time" I waved to her and Tate and I rushed away

we walked up to the security guard who was talking to Tyler

Tyler rushed us in and we went back stage and  I automatically had someone hugging me, Zach squeezed me and I laughed

"i'm so happy you're here"

"me too" I smiled

"Jack is in the bathroom"

I hugged all the boys until Daniel stopped me "wait, when did you get that tattoo?" everyone looked over at me "like 2 weeks ago, it's like part of the whole me too movement thing"

they all nodded and Daniel just hugged me tighter then before "i'm still not used to your hair by the way"

he laughed and I heard a door open and saw Jack, Tate walked over to Jonah after talking to Eben and I rushed to Jack

he hugged me tightly

"I missed you" I said but it came out muffled because my face was buried into the jacket he was wearing "I missed you more"

"look" I moved my hair and showed him my tattoo "it looks even better in person"

I kissed him and it turned into a little make out

he then realized that we were in a room full of people so he pulled away and kissed my cheek

Eben went on and started performing

"okay Tate and I are gonna go find out seats"

they all nodded and we said goodbye as we walked out, a fan noticed who we were and stopped to ask for a picture

after talking for a while we saw the Seaveys and we found our seats beside them

everyone sang along to Big Plans and Jack hit his high note and I took a video of it and posted it on my instagram story and put 'babe' in small writing

it got reposted a few times but I didn't mind

after the show was done we walked back stage and Jack kissed me "you staying in the hotel tonight with Zach and I?" I nodded

"yeah sure"

Jack and I got back before Zach did, we were hanging out and I ended up on top of him and we started making out

I started pulling off my shirt and he stopped me "are you sure?" I nodded "yeah I think i'm ready" he smirked and threw my shirt off

we continued to get undressed and he stood in front of the bed and dragged me to the edge as he quickly thrusted into me, I started moaning as he picked up the speed

"wait" he stopped and quickly grabbed his phone

"what are you doing?"

"telling Zach not to come back to the room"


he threw his phone onto the other bed and then thrusted back into me again, he started breathing heavily and then flipped me over

I moaned louder and louder each time and he started going faster, after a little while longer we both finished and he laid down beside me

"jheez" I said out of breath

"wanna go take some pictures?" he asked and I gave him a look

"give me a sec"

he laughed

"you are the most energetic guy i've ever met after sex, I swear other guys will pass out"

I grabbed my phone and checked my finsta

@idkwhobrydenis (let's ignore the fact that it's not jack or kelsey lmao)

liked by fortnitefuckeryjack (lmao) and oliviasprivate and 15 others@idkwhobrydenis i'm so in love with you

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liked by fortnitefuckeryjack (lmao) and oliviasprivate and 15 others
@idkwhobrydenis i'm so in love with you

@fortnitefuckeryjack well I love you more

@oliviasprivate awh


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