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Jack rolled of me and we were both out of breath

why do I feel like i'm emotionally torturing myself, every time I do anything with him

I got up and walked into his bathroom grabbing my clothes off the floor and then quickly showering off

when I walked out he went into the bathroom

to Zach
hey wanna hang

from Zach
sure i'm with my sister in my apartment come watch a movie with us

I knocked on the bathroom door


"yeah?" he opened the door and peaked his head out

"i'm going to Zach's"

"okay byee" he shut the door and I could hear the shower start

I walked out and 2 doors down, I knocked and the door immediately opened, when Zach saw me he gave me a look and immediately pulled me into a hug


"you look rough"

"yea" I sighed

he pulled me in and Reese waved at me "hi Bryden"

"hi cutie" I tickled her and she laughed

I don't know what movie it was but i'm just happy to be in the presence of happy people, everyone in surrounded by at home are sad and I wanted to have someone giving off a happy vibe

Myta walked in and smiled at me and Zach

"Reese cmon" she waved her over and Reese walked over "bye Zach, bye Bry"

"bye" I waved and Zach rushed to kiss her cheek and came back to the couch and Myta and Reese left

"so tell everything"


"we are like best friends, I can tell that you have many things on your mind, I may blab a lot but I wont tell anyone this"

I sighed "are you sure its a lot"

he nodded and I started explaining everything, I was leaving out the Jack part obviously

"theres something else" he said as he squinted his eyes at me


"theres one more thing, just tell me"

"you cant tell Jack"

"I wont"

"Jack and I are like friends with benefits except i'm like in love with him"

he put his hand on my shoulder

"you need to stop the friends with benefits thing"

"what why?"

"I had a friends with benefits thing with a girl once and she caught feelings and I could see it slowly destroying her so I ended it"


he nodded and I sighed

"but this is just so hard especially with everything with my dad and my mom not answering, everything is falling apart"

he reached over and pulled me into a hug

"I don't know what to do"

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