forty five

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I groaned as I stepped out of the shower, Jack last night went to hard, I was so sore

my phone buzzed and I looked over

from Lia
we still on for breakfast????

to Lia
yes ofc

I just wanted to lay in bed and watch movies all day because I can't walk normally but I don't wanna cancel on Lia

my phone started ringing and it was a facetime call from her, I threw on my clothes quickly and I answered

"hi hunny" I smiled and she smiled back

"I have some news to share at breakfast"

"are you prepping me for the news? should I be nervous?"

she shook her head "I think you will be happy"

"okay well i'll see you there"

"love ya"

"love ya too"

she hung up

I was in Jacks hoodie and some leggings, Lia and I just finished breakfast, I was still super sore

"so are you ready for the news"

"um yes"

"i'm pregnant"

I looked at her with happiness and confusion

"wait who's the dad?"

"it was an artificial insemination"

I reached over and hugged her "YOUR GONNA BE A MOM" I laughed loudly and we got up and walked out

we started talking about puppy's and baby names

"you should get a puppy so then we have two different types of kids" she smiled as we drove and I turned down the other street

"where are we going"

"a dog shelter, I feel like impulsive buying a dog" I smiled and she laughed

when we arrived there was a cage of puppies, I looked at them but one caught my eye, it was super white and fluffy

I pointed at him and Lia gasped "impulse buy?"

I asked the worker if I could see him and she nodded and brought Lia and I to the office room behind us

Lia laughed as I continued to walk weird

she came back with the dog in her arms and handed it to me

"this is Ace"

he was so small

"Lia, I need him"

she laughed at me and I hugged him

"is he available?"

"he is too little as of right now but you can buy him and come pick him up in 3 weeks"

"let's do it then"

The Why don't we families were getting together on the patio and Jack wanted me to come, I approached the door and walked out trying to walk as normal as possible and saw everyone sitting around

there was no spot for me to sit so I walked toward Jack and he pulled me onto his lap as his arms went around my waist

I leaned back

"I impulse bought a puppy" I said to him and he laughed and looked up at me

"can I see it"

"he was too little to bring home"

I leaned my head on him and I pulled my legs into my chest "ow" every time I move it hurts

he just went a little to wild last night

"are you okay?" he asked me looking concerned

"yeah i'm just sore"

"from what?"

I gave him a look and he nodded and pulled me closer "i'm sorry"

"it's okay, i'll survive"

Isla called Jack over and I got off him and took his spot, Zach squeezed beside me and sat down "hi wanna hang with me tomorrow?"

I nodded "yes of course"


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