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I walked out of the hair salon, I had died my hair black and I feel weird

it went from being light pink to being black, I don't know why I decided on black but it kinda looks really good

Olivia and I walked out as we were on our way to pick up Lia, she was obsessed with it


liked by Jackaverymusic, oliviaobrien and 10,684 others@bry so my hairs black but it's okay to look emo sometimes🙃-@wdwfan okay why r u so pretty> @bry ur gorgeous too!!

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liked by Jackaverymusic, oliviaobrien and 10,684 others
@bry so my hairs black but it's okay to look emo sometimes🙃
@wdwfan okay why r u so pretty
> @bry ur gorgeous too!!

@lolitsme u kinda look ugly with it🥴
> @bry thank u🥰🤧😎

@LiaLacey it personally offends me that my little sister is prettier then me stfu
> @bry I will forever love u but hurry up i'm outside

@imzachherron maybe I should die my hair black?
> @bry NO
>@whhydoontwwe no let's not do that
> view all 2,003 other replies

@Jackaverymusic 🖤
> @bry💙

@seaveydaniel bRiNg Me SoMe FoOd If YoU aRe CoMiNg To ThE aPaRtMeNt CoMpLeX
> @bry OkAy WhAt Do YoU wAnT
> @seaveydaniel ChIpOtLe
> @bry oMw


we stopped at chipotle and then made our way to the apartment, everyone was in Corbyn's so we quickly rushed there

when we walked in everyone stood up due to the bags of food in our hands

Olivia laughed when Zach rushed up, almost falling, he gave her a look and winked, I turned to her and she brushed some hair behind her ear

Lia nudged me "you saw that?"

I nodded

"the hair tuck" I mumbled

Jack walked up for me and put his hand on my waist and grabbed the bag from my hand

"wait do they all know were a thing?" I asked and he nodded and gave me a dumb look

"yeah they have for a while, and it's obvious when Corbyn knocked on the door yesterday and heard you like screaming so"

I felt my face heat up

"by the way, your hair looks really good" he smiled and kissed my cheek and then brought the bag over to Corbyns kitchen

everyone crowded around and grabbed their shit from the bags

I walked over to Jack and sat on his lap due to the lack of space around, I took a sip of my drink and leaned against Jack as he ate his food

my phone buzzed

from Lia
I can tell that he makes you so happy and i'm so grateful that he came into your life

I looked up at she was smiling at me and then she went back to talking to Corbyn and Zach

Olivia sorted things out in the kitchen and a Jack started talking to Jonah about the court side Lakers game they're going to next week

I set my drink down and Jacks put his hand on my inner thigh, I got hit with a sudden wave of exhaustion but attempted to ignore it

the door opened and Ava and Ryan walked in

they said hi to everyone and Ava walked over to me and pointed at my drink "what's in that?"


she grabbed it and took and sip and then set it back down and walked back over to Ryan, Jack and Jonah continued to talk

after a while of hanging out I got up but Jack grabbed my hand and I turned

"wanna go on a date tonight?" he asked

"yeah, where"



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