sixty four

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"Bryden please come to the baby shower" Lia begged me over the phone

(i'm not influencing this behaviour it's only to add to the story line please don't assume that this is something to turn to when a situation occurs)

I grabbed the bottle beside my bed and chugged it down "I cant- I have to like clean today" I got up and giggled

"are you drunk?"


"Bryden Lacey it's fucking two pm"

"and? i'm single?"

I knew I was gonna get a lecture so I hung up Christina was always at Corbyns apartment or just out with him so I was mostly alone

not mostly


I was always alone, and sad, and blah blah blah so I decided to take up a past time

I picked up the bottles and sorted them out by the garbage but making sure to keep the one that still had some left near me

Jack and I haven't spoken, I tried to reach out to him but he ignored me

Zach and I have spoken a few times and we got drunk together the other night but that's it

there was a knock on the door, I looked in the mirror

my hair was in a messy fallen apart low ponytail and I was wearing track pants and a big t shirt

I opened the door and it was Olivia

she gave me a look

"haaaayyyy girl"

"jesus Bryden you reek of alcohol"

"not only alcohol" I winked and laughed and she looked at me worried

"have you been doing drugs"

"noo that was a joke"

she sighed and started properly cleaning things up, I collapsed onto the couch and she gave me another look "why do I keep getting that look from people?"

"because I can't remember the last time you were 100% sober, you're gonna kill your liver"

"well so be it, at least it doesn't hurt anymore"



she sat down "this is all because of him?"

I nodded "I can't live without him- I mentally, physically can't, so this is me just passing the time until I die, maybe even speeding up the process"

"don't fucking say that- are you kidding me?"

"nothing you say will change how I am"

"well you need to figure it out or else you're gonna end up with nobody around"

she got up and walked out and I stared at the ceiling, she's not wrong

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