fifty seven

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Jack opened the apartment door for me and I walked in he kissed me and his hands started roaming

I became uncomfortable but I didn't want him to be upset so I tried to ignore it

he pushed me onto the couch lightly and I started thinking of when I got pushed to the ground, Jack started undoing his pants and I shut my eyes and took a deep breath


I opened them and he started doing them up again

"i'm sorry I shouldn't have just jumped to that conclusion" I shook my head "i'm sorry i'm not ready for this"

"don't apologize for not being ready, it's okay"

there was a knock on his door and he got up and Ava was there

she hugged him and he squeezed her

I looked down at my phone

from Christina
hey beautiful, coming down next weekend, I can't wait too see you💖

to Christina
oh my god i'm so excited now, I miss you more than words can describe

Ava hugged me and I squeezed her too

"um Jack mom wants you to go hang out with her" she looked at him and he nodded and looked at me

"go ahead, i'm fine"

Ava sat down and I turned toward his tv "movie marathon?"

she smiled and nodded

Jack walked in the door, Ava had fallen asleep so I got up and walked toward him

he looked stressed

"babe what's wrong?"

"I was talking to my mom and we started talking about how i'm leaving for the europe leg of tour soon and I realized I don't want to leave you here alone, not even with Daniel, Corbyn, Jonah, or Zach and I started having a panic attack I-"

"woah woah breathe" I rushed to him and he sat down as he ran a hand through his hair

"I leave in like two weeks, and that's too soon, I don't wanna leave you"

"Jack i'm gonna be okay" I smiled slightly

"it's been 2 weeks since the incident and i'm doing better, in the next 2 weeks i'll be fine"

"but if you have any moments i won't be here to help you"

"well you're only a phone call away, you need tour right now, you have been too stressed about and too many panic attacks, being on stage and meeting the fans will help you so much, just trust me i'll be okay and so will you"

he sighed "you're right"

"are you gonna come to some shows?"

I nodded "of course"

he smiled

everyone was hanging around the patio because the boys have a new song coming out tonight called 'Don't Change' and it's for a movie that's out really soon

the boys were all hanging out around the fire pit and I was sitting with Kristin and Ryan

i've been a lot closer with Kristin recently after she helped me a lot after ya know, my mom knew but she didn't rush home or anything, I thought things were better between us but no

Tonia and Kristin are literally angels sent from heaven and i love them

"Bryden look" Ryan said and I looked and he showed me a thing on his phone of him singing

"that's amazing Ryan"

"thank you"

"if you are really interested I can ask my manager to help you start writing or recording or something"

"that'd be awesome but I kinda just wanna see if I wanna take that path in life"

"yeah, that was like me, I had no clue what I wanted to do but as the year went on and I posted some singing videos and then Olivia's manager wanted to sign me then I went on tour, it just made sense for me to do it"

"yeah i'm kinda hoping that's what will happen, like everything will just fall into place with what I wanna do, but I have time to figure it out"

"yeah that's true"

"5 minutes" Keri yelled out and I got up and walked over to sit beside Jack

he put his arm around me and then laughed at something Corbyn was saying, I love seeing him this happy

the door opened and Tate and Kay walked in Daniel sighed and looked at his phone, he gets bothered sometimes with being the only single one but Corbyn noticed

"cmon Daniel let's cuddle" he waved him over and Daniel laughed

the song was now out and Jonah played it and we all sat around and started listening to it on repeat, Jack leaned his head on my shoulder and put his hand on my leg

he lightly sang along to the song and I took a deep breath, it was one of those nights where it's warm but there's a light breeze

everything that's happened to me recently has really just clouded how I feel about life and I stopped thinking about happy things and the rape was on my mind 24/7 but when I have moments like this where i'm surrounded by people I love and it's happy it changes things

my phone buzzed

from Olivia
hi I have some good news let's hang tmrw

to Olivia
okay where

from Olivia
my house

to Olivia
okay babes

I shut my phone off and Jack sat up straight and I looked at him

"what?" he asked and turned to me

"I love you"

"I love you too" I kissed him quickly and he wrapped his arm around me

"we've been together for almost a year" he said and I smiled "I know, 10 months, our 1 year will be-"

"June 16th"

"you remembered"

"how could I not"

I laughed


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