twenty nine

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The show was today and they were rehearsing, Jack was doing okay, he got through the whole song and did good on the last few try's so we're hoping that nothing happens tonight

limelight was starting in 10 minutes so they had to get this done and then quickly get ready

Jack walked into the dressing rooms, they got a really good venue this time

I sat on the chair near the main and he kissed my cheek and then searched through his clothes, he ended up changing into a beatles shirt and camo pants with a bunch of other accessories

"what are you doing during limelight?"

I shrugged "probably gonna go get food and then like cry or something" I said jokingly and he walked over and kissed my cheek

"don't be sad"

"give me one good reason"


I smiled "you're right"

he leaned down and kissed me causing me to lean back against the table, his hands made their way to my waist and I wrapped my legs around him

he picked me up and walked us toward the couch as we continued to make out

we laid down and he crawled over top of me and began leaving marks on my neck, I let out a quiet moan and I could feel him smirking

this is the furthest we've gone since august, his hand went underneath my shirt and then I heard the door open, I pushed Jack off of me and he groaned as I sat up

Daniel gave us looks and Jack was breathing heavily

"oh my god i'm so sorry" I rushed to help him up and he winced as he stood up

"are you guys okay?"

Jack and I both nodded and Jack was clutching his torso, I did kinda forget he was injured and pushing him on the ground definitely harmed him

"limelight's in 5" Daniel said and then walked out leaving the door open

"i'm so sorry" I apologized and he smiled shook his head "it's okay don't worry, but i'm gonna go to limelight i'll see you in a bit and we can continue what Daniel had interrupted" he winked and rushed out of the dressing room

Jacks part in big plans came up and he nailed it, the crowd cheered every time he hit the high notes but the big one is coming up, he passed out on this one

the only thing making me nervous was that he's been performing all night with 'dancing' so he's sweaty and out of breath so i'm getting freaked out that he might pass out and that'll just stress him out way too much

Jack hit the note and the crowd cheered and I could see him start to become pale

Zach glanced toward me as they all jumped around and I pointed at Jack and he turned and Jack stumbled a little bit but Jonah noticed and rushed to his side but made it seem like it was part of the routine

the song finished and they were just talking to the crowd

Jack was sitting down now with Corbyn

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