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Olivia and I walked into my house and I could hear Lia and my dad fighting, Tyson came running down the stairs and into my arms

"hey handsome lil fella" he laughed as I tickled his stomach

"wanna go see my friends? they've been wanting to meet you for a long time"

he nodded

"Dad! i'm bringing Tyson to meet my friends"

"okay!" he yelled back but then continued to fight with Lia

they were never close, it was always me being close to my dad and her with my mom

"that seemed like a mess" Olivia said as I fixed Tysons car seat and put him into it "yeah, its been pretty messy, thats why i've been going out more"

"oh" she got into the passenger side and I shut the door

"so whats going on with you and Jack?"

I got into the drivers seat and started he car

"literally nothing, he broke up with Gabbie like 2 weeks ago its way to soon for him to hop into another relationship"

"I don't know Bry he seems to have a lot of interest in you"

"what makes you say that?"

"the way he looks at you, the way he acts, the way he wants you to meet his family and be close with the boys, just trust me"

"why cant he just make a move" I groaned

"maybe you should first?"

I sighed, maybe I should, but what if I come off to strong

oh well

I pulled up into the underground parking of the why don't we apartment building and Olivia looked back at Tyson

"awh" I parked and turned to see him asleep

we got out of the car and I walked around to the back door and tickled him, he woke up laughing

"cmon buddy"

we walked up to the floor where the boys' apartments were

to Jack
what apartment

from Jack
438, its Corbyns

to Jack
okay i'm like around the corner

I heard a door open and I looked up to see Jack walking down the hall, I was just wearing a cropped tank top and plain jeans but this guy was wearing these fancy ass black pants, pretty sure an $1000 orange jacket with a black shirt underneath, 2 chains, a hat and glasses

I tried to avoid making it obvious but I looked him up and down and when I looked back at his face and his eyebrows were raised

my face went light red and Tyson squeezed my hand

Jack waved at him and he smiled "hi"

Tyson has been hanging out with the boys and loving it, he's been super attached to Jonah and Jack which has been cute

Olivia had left because she had a meeting and i'm pretty sure the boys were leaving for one soon. Literally almost everyone in my life are musicians and singers but i'm not

Maybe I should pursue this passion of mine

Zach hummed along to a song that Daniel had put on and Tyson danced around the living room, I laughed at him and Jack scooted closer to me

he tried to be low key about it but he wasn't

I was kinda okay with it

"i'm going to get in n out" Daniel stood up and I gasped "I love in n out, can I come"

Daniel turned to me "I love it too"

"lets go then"

I stood up and turned to Jack "watch him pleaseeee thank you" I rushed out with Daniel

Daniel and I laughed at something stupid as we drove back to Corbyns "i'm setting up my phone and were making a funny video"

he nodded and I put it against the dashboard

we blasted music and sang along to it and making jokes every once and a while, I turned to him "Do you like Billie Eilish?"


"hold on"

I scrolled through my spotify and played one of her songs

"Ohhh yeah"

we sang the song and he looked over at me with a shocked expression "wait you can sing, like really good"

"not really" I smiled and ran my hand through my hair "no Bryden yes you can like 100% you sound just like her"


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