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I invited Sydnie to come over and hang out with Olivia Lia and I

I stayed at Olivias last night, I haven't had a proper place to stay i've kinda just been switching between Lia, Olivia, I also slept at Syd's last week, also at Esthers, Jonahs sister

we all sat around in Olivias home studio and she pulled out her laptop and looked on twitter

"wait can you go on the whatever its called website, like for apartments"

she nodded and Sydnie turned to me "wait are you moving?"

I nodded "yeah probably, after the dad situation I don't plan on staying there"

"I fricken love apartment shopping so ill help" Sydnie scooted closer to Olivias laptop and I scrolled through apartments

"how do you get paid again?" Lia asked

"instagram pays me to post"

"oh yeah"

I saw one and it had an amazing view, open concept, big windows

"this one is so nice" I clicked through the pictures as they all gathered around me and looked at it

"if you get that i'm coming over everyday" Sydnie laughed and I smiled

"you will always be welcome unless I have guy over"

"OH IVE BEEN MEANING TO ASK" she spun my chair around so I was facing her

"who are you a thing with or who are you hooking up with"

my face went kinda red "what?"

"do not act like I don't see the hickeys you try and hide like everyday"

"you don't want to know"

"why? is it your ex or something?"

"no I would never even go near my ex again"

"tell me"

"maybe another time"

she groaned and I laughed and continued to look through the apartment listings

my phone started ringing and I pulled it out of my pocket

Zach was facetiming me

"hola" I smiled when his face popped up on screen "hi"

I heard the boys yelling and laughing in the background. Zach turned the camera so I could see them and he yelled "everyone say hi"

"hi" they said insync

Jonah looked at the phone "wait to who"


"Bryden Lacey?" Jack asked and Zach turned the camera back to him and nodded

Jacks face appeared "hi"


"hows Los Angeles"

"its good, its been like super rainy for like the past week which kinda sucks because Syd, her friend Makena and I were gonna go surfing"

"you hang out with my sister more?"

I nodded and smiled

"does she know about?" I could tell he was thinking of our friends with benefits situation

I shook my head and he sighed out of relief

"know about what?" Daniel asked and Jack ignored it

we continued to talk and Jack ended up stealing Zach's phone from him

I was at Jonahs apartment with Esther because thats where she stays when shes not in Minnesota

Esther walked into the kitchen

"who are you talking to?"

"Jack, and technically the rest of the boys"

"Jack tell Jonah to call me"

"okay, Jonah call Esther" he yelled and Jonah yelled back something that I couldn't tell

"your hair is so dark" I said to him and he started playing around with it "I know my highlights like disappeared but I have to wait till i'm home because my mom does them"

"I guess your gonna HAVE to hurry home then"

he laughed "I've been thinking a lot about us"

"what do you mean?" my heart started picking up speed

"I-" he was cut off

"Jack I need my phone" he took it back and saw I was still on facetime

"ill ft you back one sec"

he hung up

Zach really just did that


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