fifty six

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I woke up and gasped as I sat straight up, I started catching my breath I looked around my apartment and saw Jack sleeping on the couch that was near my bed

he's been being so good and he's been leaving me to have space but still being here for me

his eyes opened and he sat up "you okay?"

I shrugged

"can I come sit?"


he got up and sat in front of me "i'm here" he put his hand on mine and I tried calming down

it's been 2 weeks since


and nothings really changed, the bruises left on my body we're still there and they still were pretty noticeable, the why don't we fans have been really confused because none of the boys have been active on social media

my dad found out last week and he wanted to go to the guy and murder him but Jack talked him out of his anger

Lia has texted me everyday making sure i'm

I hate being like this, I can be happy sometimes and whatever but it's hard because it comes back into my mind so quick

Jack helped me calm down and I got up and went into the bathroom, I had a sheet covering the mirror because I genuinely can't look at myself because I feel so violated

after I finished in the bathroom I walked back and Jack was back on the couch

I laid in my bed and couldn't fall asleep



"can you come lay here"

"are you sure?"


I heard him stand up and walk over and then I felt the bed sink in beside me

he laid further away but I scooted over and laid my head on his chest

"are you sure this is okay?"

"yeah" I could hear his heart beating and I slowly began to fall asleep

when I woke up Jack was sitting on his phone and I took a few deep breaths "I think I need to try and move on instead of continue to have it on my mind"

"have you been thinking about that all night?"


"well i'm here to do whatever it takes to make u feel better and comfortable with yourself again"

I got changed really quick and I pulled the sheet off my stand up mirror in my room

my hair kept reminding me of it because of when I pushed him off it kept flying everywhere and all I saw was black hair so I have had it tied back for like 2 weeks

I texted my hair dresser and booked an appointment and then walked toward the shower, after I was done I pulled the sheet off my mirror and looked at myself

I looked rough

the bruises are still there but I ignored them and washed my face, brushed my teeth, and did my makeup

I put on one of Jacks big t shirts and a pair of jean shorts, I felt kind of exposed because i've been wearing track pants and hoodies everywhere, when I walked out of the bathroom Jack looked at me and smiled

"you look amazing"

I smiled slightly "can you drive me somewhere?"

he nodded

I walked out and Jack admired my hair "woah"


liked by jackaverymusic, oliviaobrien, and 300,479 others@bry gotta change my hair in order to start over you know what i mean🙃

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liked by jackaverymusic, oliviaobrien, and 300,479 others
@bry gotta change my hair in order to start over you know what i mean🙃

view all 2,013 comments

@wdwismyfav HELLO GORGEOUS

@oliviaobrien damn come marry me

@timetocheckthecookies did she cheat on Jack?
> @wdwlove wait what?
> @sadlyseavey I heard that she went for a photo shoot and hooked up with the photographer
> @averyslover I swear to fuck

@jackaverymusic beautiful
> @imzachherron thanks 😍
> @jackaverymusic 😘😘😘😘
>@Jacharyjokes JACHARY

"People really think that?!" I yelled and Jack nodded as I paced back and forth, everyone thinks that I cheated on Jack and slept with the photographer

"should I post on my story about it?"

he shrugged "it's up to you, management- Tyler said we can be open about our relationship and do whatever so if you want too you can"

"okay I think i'm gonna"

he sat on my bed and I sat my desk and leaned my phone against my laptop so you could see me and you could kinda see Jacks hair in the background

"hey everyone so I need to clear many things up right now, a lot of people are claiming false things when they don't even know the stories" I took a deep breath

"I didn't cheat on Jack, I was- taken advantage of by the photographer and Jack was there to help me out, now this is gonna be confusing for people who don't already know but Jack and I are dating, it's kind of obvious but yeah, but just know I would never do anything like that to him and yeah that's it thank you guys for listening" stopped it and Jack watched it over and nodded

"perfect" he kissed my cheek and I posted it

I wasn't planning on publicly posting about the situation but people really just have to jump to conclusions 24/7

immediately Jack and I's social media's were now blowing up because of my video

I walked over to my bed and crawled over him and leaned my head on his chest


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