twenty one

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I heard a knock on my door and I walked from my kitchen and looked out the window to see Jack

we haven't done anything since before tour and I think that says something about how we feel about each other because it's not just sexual

I opened the door and he walked in

"wanna order postmates" he nodded and pulled out his phone as I continued to make an iced coffee in my kitchen and he sat down at the table

I sat down across from him and he looked up at me "can I talk to you about something" I nodded

"I know i'm not the only one feeling the way I do when we're together and i'm tired of not doing anything about it"

my stomach started turning

"so what are you trying to say"

"I want to try being something more then friends or friends with benefits but even though we have done stuff together before I want to wait till we do it again"

my heart skipped a beat

"i'd like that" I smiled

"so do you want to go on a proper date tonight?" he asked and I nodded

Jack left an hour ago and I immediately called Olivia to come over, she rushed over and dragged her friend Conan Gray over who was also a singer and person that I loved and adored so dearly

they showed up and started freaking out

Conan was jealous because he always said how cute and hot the why don't we boys were

"WHAT DO I WEAR" I yelled and Conan dashed for my closet as I put my hair into a ponytail with a white scrunchie

Conan walked out of my closet with a tight cropped white t shirt and high waisted light blue shorts

I went to the bathroom, touched up my makeup, put my clothes on and walked out

I grabbed nike socks and pulled them up and put on white air force ones

"OKAY this is perfect so if he will give you his sweater" Olivia said as she laid back on my bed

"what if he's not wearing a sweater"

"oh trust me, first date, he's wearing a sweater because he wants to give it to you 100%"

from Jack
i'm here


we all freaked out and I rushed outside, his car was parked out front and I quickly hopped in as my phone went off again

from Olivia
good luck bummy

from Conan
u got this bitch

I chuckled and shoved my phone in my back pocket and then turned to Jack

"hola" I smiled and he pushed some hair out of his face "hi"

he started driving

we had now ended up at the pink wall and surprisingly today it was kinda empty compared to how it usually is

Jack was taking pictures of me and he bit his lip every now and then

"lemme see" I rushed and leaned against him as he swiped through

I felt him kiss my forehead and smiled

"okay well now that's done what else can we do that we haven't yet"

"well we, went to the movies, got chick fil a, took pictures, now we should get ice cream" he smirked and pulled out his car keys

"are you trying to get me fat"

"well no, but i'm trying to get myself fat"

we laughed as he made more stupid jokes and made our way to the ice cream place.

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