twenty three

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I don't know why it's so sudden but Tye has been like non stop texting me, not very nice things and he said if I blocked his number he would leak pictures I sent him this ONE time

i'm just stressing so bad I don't know what to do

Jack was on his way over, I haven't told him or anyone except for Olivia and Lia, Zach can tell something's bothering me but he knows if i'm not telling him now i'll end up telling him later

I heard the door open and I spun on my heel and saw Jack walking in, I forgot I told him to just walk right in

"hi" it came out panicked and he gave me a weird look "you okay?"

I nodded and he walked over, my music played throughout my house from my google home and I slowly walked toward Jack and hugged him but squeezed him tighter then usual

he looked down and I looked up at him slightly

"what's wrong?"

"nothing i'm just happy that we are hanging out"

he smiled widely

it's been a minute since our date but we've been hanging out almost 24/7

I pulled away from the hug and we started talking, he was joking around and we both started dying of laughter, he was in a super laughy mood which was kinda cheering me up but the Tye thing is really irritating me

Jack started screaming random shit and we both almost pissed our pants

"wa-wait shh my moms calling" he tried to stop laughing but still did

"hi m-mom" he laughed

"oh yeah sure, I'm with Bry so she's gonna come"

"I love you more, bye" he looked up and I picked up the sweater he grave me on our date and threw it on

"Isla wants me to hang out with her so we're going to my moms apartment and hanging with her"

"okay" I smiled

"wait before we go can I just do like one quick thing" he said and I nodded

he walked toward me, put his hand on my face and leaned in, it was different from the kissing when we were friends with benefits

this was a lust, it was more of a love

I depend the kids and wrapped my arms around his neck, his hands moved to my waist and he pulled me closer

we pulled away and I was slightly out of breath



I sat on the edge of Islas bed and Jack was laying down on her bed as she pitched outfit ideas to Jack

she pulled out this sweater that i'm pretty sure is Jacks and some black leggings

I could hear Sydnies voice and I jumped out the door and immediately ran into her and hugged her

"ONE OF MY FAVS" she yelled and we laughed

"what are you doing here?" she asked as we pulled away

"Jack and I were hanging out" I winked at her and she screamed slightly and we laughed "but um yeah we were at my place and Isla wanted to hang out with Jack so he dragged me here"

"well let's go back then" she grabbed my hand and dragged me into Islas room and I scooted closer to Jack so Sydnie could sit on Isla's bed

I wasn't complaining

after all the hanging out Kristin invited me to stay over, with Sydnie obviously and Jack was sleeping here at the same time, was I going to hang with Sydnie

of course

is Jack pressuring me to sneak into the room he stays in and and cuddle


am I gonna do it


Jack and Sydnie's room had the connecting bathroom so this worked perfectly, Sydnie had just closed her eyes and I walked into the bathroom, shut the door, looked at myself in the mirror, then walked into Jacks room, he was laying in bed, shirtless just on his phone

I bit my lip slightly and got under the blankets, I was basically on top of him, my head was on his chest and our were tangled which resulted in half of my body on his

he kissed my head and then put his phone down, I cuddle up closer to him and he wrapped his arm tightly around me as he leaned over and put his phone on the nightstand

it was quiet but I wasn't complaining, I'd be okay with having nights like these forever

I woke up next to Jack and I buried my face into his neck as I could feel him smirking

"don't move I'm comfortable" I said which can out muffled

He laughed "okay"

his voice was raspy oh hell yes

"can we do this more?" he asked and I sat up "yes of course" I got up and went into the bathroom and grabbed the extra toothbrush that Sydnie had for me and I quickly brushed my teeth and fixed my hair

when I walked back Jack patted the spot beside him and I sat down, his hands made their way to my waist and he tugged me toward him so I was sitting on him, I straddled his waist and he looked me up and down and then leaned in

I know he wants to wait to do anything more then make out but let's be real I don't know if I can

we made out for a little until I heard Sydnie's phone going off and then her voice answer "I should go back"

he pouted at me "wait" he leaned in and kissed me which was a little heated, as we pulled away I lightly bit his lip and he smirked "okay, come back though"

"I might" he hit my butt on the way out and I smiled at Sydnie as I walked into her room "your welcome"

I laughed

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