sixty one

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I landed back in Los Angeles like a few nights ago and I woke up with my phone blowing up, it was like 4:30 in the morning here

"hello?" I answered

"Jacks having a really really bad panic attack and we need your help because it's been like 9 minutes and it's not stopping he's gonna pass out"

"give him the phone"

I heard the phone get passed over and then Jacks heavy breathing came over the phone



"listen to my voice okay? just close your eyes and listen to me? everything is gonna be okay, you're about to go on stage and perform thousands and thousands of people who adore you, whatever is subconsciously freaking you out right now, move on from it, be strong and just breathe, you're gonna be fine"

I heard his breathing slow down and he let out a deep breathe

"thank you"

"okay, I love you babe"

"I love you too"

"have fun performing, bye"


he hung up the phone and I sat up and was now wide awake, I got up and decided to have an actual productive day today

I went into the bathroom and showered quickly, then washed my face, brushed my teeth and changed into workout leggings and a sports bra with running shoes

I went out to my car and I realized I forgot my keys inside, when I walked back to my door it was open, my heart dropped and I slowly and quietly walked inside and saw someone raiding my living room, I slowly backed out and before I could safely step out the floor creaked and they looked up and saw me

when I say i've never ran that fast, i'm not even close to joking, I grabbed my keys and ran as fast as I could to my car, as soon as I was in my car I locked the doors and called the police and sped off, I explained what had happened and I called Kristin

she answered and sounded pretty awake, it was now 6 am

"hey Bry?"

"Kristin- someone broke into my apartment and I don't know where to go right now because everyone else is sleeping-"

"come to my apartment"

we talked a little longer and I arrived at the apartment "okay i'm here" she said okay and then we hung up and I rushed upstairs but made sure to lock my car doors

I knocked on her door and she opened it and pulled me into a hug

I heard Isla say my name and she hugged me "hi cutie"

"you're shaking like a maniac" Isla said and I laughed as she wrapped her arms around my neck and I walked in

"why are you guys up so early?"

"Isla does online school since we moved out here and she has to be up at 6:45 for it"

"jheez that's early for online school"

"I know right that's what I said but it's a really really good school, and they have this thing where a few times a month they all get together for one actual class in school and we thought that was best for her so she still has that experience but at the same time still has online school"

"yeah that sounds amazing"

I put her down and she sat down at the kitchen island and sat crossed legged as she opened up her laptop and looked very focused

Isla, Kristin, and I hung out for a while until there was noise and Darrin walked out of his room and kissed Kristin on the cheek and then Isla and then gave me a hug

"hey" he smiled and I smiled at him "hi"

Ava and Sydnie walked out of their rooms a few hours later and Ava hugged me and so did Sydnie, Sydnie squeezed me tightly

"wanna go do some stuff today?"

I nodded "yeah like what" I need to keep my mind off the break in because the police are dealing with it

"well I don't know but we can figure it out, it's the first day of May so let's celebrate" she danced a little bit and I laughed as I looked at the time '10:00 am'

my phone started ringing and I was getting a facetime from Jack, I answered and he was sitting on the tour bus and Isla looked over

"everyone say hi" I turned my phone toward them and he instantly smiled as he saw his family, I turned it back to me

and he continued to smile

"you just wanted to see my family for the day?"

"yeah pretty much" I laughed and he rubbed his face

"how was the show"

"it was amazing, Toronto went hard"

Ava laughed "next time you go on tour and you have a show in Toronto I think we should all go  and have a fun time" I smiled and nodded

"yeah i'm down for that"

I heard Zach's voice and Jack broke out into laughter

"when do you guys come back?" Kristin asked as I handed her my phone

"uh Saturday"

"what day is it today?" Darrin asked


"so 3 days?"

"yes mam"


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