forty seven

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"no you know what maybe we should just break up then?" I yelled at Jack as I stood near the door of his apartment, I could see the hurt on his face and he could probably see the hurt on mine

"F-fine maybe we should" he yelled back but had a hard time saying it, tears filled my eyes as I opened the door and walked out

I bumped into someone

"sorry" I continued to walk until my name was called

"Bry?" I turned and saw Daniel

"what's wrong"

"nothing, sorry i'm just overreacting, i'll be okay" I couldn't even reassure a smile

I laid in bed and I could not stop tossing and turning, I checked the time 3:28am

I need to sleep but I can't

Jack and I haven't spoken since this morning, I haven't talked to anyone at all since this morning but I don't think people are worried

I grabbed my phone and went on instagram and saw the boys live, I quickly pressed it and they were all sitting around the studio

it's 3:30am why are they still there

I saw Jack look at the camera and he looked a mess, some of the comments were pointing it out and Zach was sitting beside him as they quietly talked about something

Jack rubbed his eyes and Corbin started dancing

I read some comments

'Brydens on watching her bfffffffff'

my eyes filled up with tears and I started crying again and I tossed my phone away from me, I heard it hit the ground but I ignored the thought of picking it up and I just sat in bed and slowly let myself fall apart

I don't wanna burden anyone with how i'm feeling but it's making it worse if I hold it in

as I got almost too deep in thought I slowly began to fall asleep

I woke up an hour ago but I haven't left my bed, I had a few messages from yesterday and I answered them this morning

my phone went off again

from Daniel
hey, are you sure ur okay?

I groaned and answered

to Daniel

from Daniel
Bryden you can talk to me

to Daniel
it's just to hard to explain over text

from Daniel
On my way!

I had a faint smile and within 20 minutes there was a knock on my door, I threw one of my own hoodies on and left my hair how it was

when the door opened he wrapped me in a big hug, I stayed quiet and a few tears slipped out

"are you okay?" he said quietly and there it went

I started sobbing and he held me closer to him "i-i-i'm sorry-"

"no no it's okay cmon" he put his hand on my back and we sat at my kitchen table, he stayed close and sat down in front of me

"what's wrong?"

"I shouldn't be telling you this, you're his best friend" I wiped the tears from my face

"and i'm also your friend, tell me what's up"

"Jack and I broke up"

"I know"

"you do?" I asked him and he nodded "Jacks like my brother, all of us could tell as soon as it happened"

I nodded "I just said it in the heat of the moment but as soon as I stepped out the door I regretted it and I want to go back in time and make sure that never came out"

he sighed "why do you think it slipped out"

"because I was so so mad"

"what were you mad about?"

"I saw an empty condom wrapper on his bathroom counter and the fans found a picture of him and a girl walking into the apartment last night and I think he cheated but he promised me he didn't but when I asked him to explain it he was speechless"

Daniel made a face "you should go talk to him about it"

"Daniel I tried, but we broke up"

"we'll go have a civilized conversation with him, no yelling, no lying, just honesty, be mature about it"

I sighed and wiped my tears once again

"your right" he put his hand on my arm "i'm always here for you" he slightly smiled and I pulled him into a hug

"thank you"


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