forty six

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(a couple weeks later after christmas and new years)

Jack rushed me into his apartment and started kissing me, his hands found their way to my pants and I stopped him

"Jack no i'm still sore from last night, AGAIN"

he sighed and sat down on the couch "but your mouth isn't"

I gave him a dirty look and scoffed as I walked out of his apartment and to the nearest one, it was Zach's, I knocked and he opened it

I hugged him

"i'm just playing fort nite with ryan in my room cmon" I walked in and ryan said hi to me

I laid on Zach's bed

why would Jack say that like actually what the fuck

my phone started going off

from Jack🌎💕
i'm so fucking dumb i'm so sorry I meant that in a joking and it came out like I meant it but I didn't mean for that to happen and I love you

to Jack🌎💕
well damn buddy, think before u speak next time but it's fine I love you too, i'm at Zach's, come

from Jack🌎💕
okok coming

I looked up at Zach "Jacks coming"


I heard the door open and I saw his curly hair over everything in Zach's apartment, he walked over and crawled onto the bed and laid beside me, he saw Zach and Ryan playing fortnight

"can I play"

"yeah yeah" Ryan said and Zach handed him his laptop and Zach got up and walked to his closet

I got off Jack and he put the computer on his lap and started playing with Ryan

"Zach what are you doing"

"planning clothes for the next 5 years because we're working on a new song every month and it's gonna be hectic"

"i'm excited for the music"

"me too but I like getting a full 8 hours of sleep and i'm gonna miss it" Jack pouted and I sat up

"i'm not gonna be able to hang with my best friend" I got up and hugged Zach and he laughed as Jack gave us a jealous face

"are you gonna miss me?"

"I mean I guess" I teased him and he focused back on his game as Ryan started screaming and he died

"YOUR KIDDING ME RIGHT NOW" he threw his remote and leaned back in his chair

Jack then died a few minutes after him and he slammed the laptop shut and it flew off the bed almost hitting Zach

"dude my laptop"


"Jack Ninja killed us"


they both started freaking out

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