twenty eight

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I felt someone shaking me and I opened my eyes to see Jack looking over me, I rubbed my eyes and sat up

"what do you want" I groaned

"your coming to rehearsals get up"

he grabbed my waist and pulled me out of bed, I walked to my closet and pulled out leggings, and I searched for a hoodie

"so brought you one" I heard Jack say, I turned and saw him holding a different coloured hoodie with the words 'let it happen' on the front

"thank you" I smiled, grabbed the sweater and went to the bathroom

I was laying on the backstage couch and the boys were singing and trying to help Jack with high notes, they were waiting to do big plans

I heard footsteps and I lifted my head up to see Tyler walking past me

"wait help" he turned and I reached my arms out, he helped me up off the couch and we both walked over to the stage, I leaned against the side and Jack turned to me as he was singing and smiled

after 10 minutes big plans started and they took it slowly

Jacks POV

Jonah looked at me as my part came up, I began singing with Zach but kept it kind of low

at the end of Zach and I's part I was breathing heavily, I had my hands on my knees and I tried to catch my breath, the doctor said I would have trouble catching my breath and singing but man this is hard

they stopped early and all turned to me

"i'm gonna pass out" as I blinked my vision became clouded and I felt people rush to me and hold me up, I looked up and saw Jonah and Daniel trying to re assure that I was fine

"oh no" I muttered and blacked out

Bryden's POV

Jacks eyes fluttered open and he turned to me

"how ya doing?"

Jack jumped up "gotta rehearse"

he rushed on to the stage and the boys gave him a concerned look but they continued singing

after like an hour Sydnie walked into the backstage area and I hugged her

"how's bubs doing?"

"well he's stressing out, they tried big plans but right after his part with Zach he passed out for 15 minutes but now he's trying again"

the beginning of big plans started playing and I heard Daniels voice "cmon" I dragged her toward side stage

Daniel finished, then corbyn, and now Zach and Jack

Zach sang and kept glancing toward Jack as they moved around the stage

they finished their part and Jack seemed fine

the song continued and Jacks big high not finally came, he looked nervous, so did the rest of the boys, they were all super worried about him

they sang and Jack stopped halfway, and he stumbled back and started wheezing

I rushed over and Corbyn followed me and we grabbed him to stop him from falling

"it's okay, i'm okay" he stood up and he looked pale "never mind" he fell backwards and i'm taking a wild guess that he passed out again

"what if we just post pone the show again" Zach sighed as he turned toward us

"we can't, Tyler said that we already moved it once we can move it again, the venue won't let us and we won't have anywhere else to perform" Daniel mentioned and Corbyn helped me bring Jack to the couch

Sydnie walked toward us and the rest of the boys walked off and toward us

"so what do we do?" Jonah asked

"what if you guys just take big plans off?"

"the show is a big plans promo we can't" Tyler sighed as he sat down beside Daniel

Jacks breathing sounded like he was struggling until his eyes opened and he looked around and rubbed his eyes

"what happened"

"you passed out... again"

he sighed and tried to sit up "o-ow"

everyone looked at him


"I- nevermind it's fine"

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