Rhodey Meets Peter, Captain America's PSA's, Science Fair

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"Hey Tones, can you do me a favor and check on my-. Your not Tones." I heard and I turned around to see Mr. Stark's best friend, Rhodey standing in the entrance of the lab. 

"No, I'm not."

"What are you doing here? Better yet, how'd you get in? FRIDAY?" 

"Boss invitied him. Boss went to change after spilling motor oil over himself and the floor. He told Peter to work on his project." FRIDAY said.

"Wait, Peter? As in the kid, Tones talks about?" 

"The same. Have a good day, Rhodey." FRIDAY said. 

"Huh." Rhodey said and I wiped my hands off right fast. 

"Peter Parker. It's nice to finally meet you, Mr. Rhodey." I said.

"Likewise. What are you working on?"

"Project for school. Liquid solar panels for powering electronics, clean energy." I said with a shrug and Mr. Rhodey put a hand to his chin.

"That's actually rather, impressive and useful for powering small electronic items and eventually buildings and cities." Mr. Rhodey said. 

"That's the plan, Platypus." Mr. Stark said as he walked in, with cleaner clothes. 

"Nice to see you to, Tones." 

"Isn't it always? Anyway, what do you need?" 

"Ah, they are locking up again and getting a bit annoying with a sound output every now and then." Mr. Rhodey said.

"Alright. Hey kid, why don't you crack this one." 

"What? Ah, sure." I said before I grabbed a screw driver. I then went to work, as I rambled on about the possibilities of my project, until I finished. 

"Kid, if you don't win that damn science fair, I'm going to be pissed." Mr. Stark said.

"What? At me?" I asked as i put the tools I used back. 

"No, not at you. The judges!" 

"Oh, that makes more sense. Anyway, how do those feel now, Mr. Rhodney?" I asked and he walked around.


"Great!" I said with a smile.

"Hey, Mr. Stark. Ever think about putting some padding so that it's not as uncomfterable when Mr. Rhodney sits, and walks around?" I asked.


"Well, you totally should. MJ broke her foot last year and needed crutches, so Ned and I padded her crutches since she said they were really uncomfterable when she used them." I said as I went back to work on my project. 

"Oh, MJ? Is she your girlfriend?" Mr. Stark asked and I shook my head. 

"No, she's not Mr. Stark. I'm not even sure if she's remotely human sometimes." I said as I grabbed a flat head.

"How come?" 

"She hardly ever shows her emotions, and when she does, she's hard to read. She got detention once because she flipped off a sub we had for a sexist comment about the female gender." I said 

"Ya, the female gender do tend to be hard to understand when it comes to their emotions." Mr. Stark said. 

"Now that's the truth." Mr. Rhodney said.

"She looks up to Pepper though. Something about Ms. Potts and that if Ms. Potts took over the world she'd cry happily and lay down the path." 

"I'd help with that actually." Mr. Stark said. 

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