SHIELD, Tattoos, Avengers, and Camp 3

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I was helping Leo carry some stuff to the forges when my phone started to beep. I carefully pulled it out and saw that it was M's panic button.

"This ain't good," I said.

"What ain't good?" Leo asked.

"M just used the panic button I gave her," I said before I carefully sat down the stuff.

"Go, I'll get the others to help me. Go see if your girl is okay." Leo said and I nodded before I clapped him on the shoulder.

"Later man," I said before I ran off quickly. I skidded to a stop by Chiron and easily caught an arrow.

"Sorry, Pete!" Katie yelled and I sent her a smile.

"It's okay, Katie," I said before I looked at Chiron.

"What is it, my boy?" He asked.

"M used her panic button. I'm leaving to go see why. I don't know if I'll be back. If I don't come back today, just have Will give my bags to Percy, and I'll pick them up from his apartment later." I said.

"Safe travels my boy, and I pray that MJ and her mother are okay," Chiron said and I ran off. I quickly followed the directions for about an hour, before I saw Kathy's car was flipped over on the side of the road. I carefully pulled over and grabbed my phone, where I called dad to send in a crew, before I carefully checked on Kathy until I looked in the passenger seat but didn't see M.

"They took her." I heard weakly and I turned to look at Kathy.

"Who took her?" I asked.

"HYDRA agents. She tried to fight them off, but they were enhanced and quickly knocked her out. Went that way." Kathy said as she carefully pointed to the East. I nodded before I focused my attention back to her.

"I'll get her back, I swear it." I said.

"I know you will. You came back to her after eight years. This isn't any different." Kathy said and she held my hand tightly.

"You find them, and you better make them hurt, that they will feel it in the Underworld, waiting on their punishment." She said and I nodded, before I assured her that medical help was on the way, so she should stay awake.

Thirty minutes later, two jets landed and I backed off to allow the SHIELD medics to do their job. I quickly took charge and we started to look East like Kathy said until I found what I was looking for.

"Agent Parker to all SHIELD Agents, clear out. I found what I needed." I said into the comm and I heard all the confirmations as we headed out. Once at the road, I dismissed everyone before walking to my car.

"Agent Parker with all due respect, what did you find?" I heard someone ask and I turned around.

"Above your clearence level, agent," I said firmly before getting into my car. I soon drove off where I tapped my sunglasses.

"KAREN, call dad and let him know to keep the Clean up crews at the ready," I said.

"Of course. Shall I check on MJ's tracker?"

"Yes, and while you're at it. I want a message directly to HYDRA and the Russian Mob." I said.

"What will be your message, Peter?" KAREN asked me.

"Tell them, that Волк паук is back for blood," I said.

"Message sent, Peter."

"Thank you, KAREN," I said before I turned up my music and focused on the road, as KAREN showed me that MJ's tracker was in the middle of nowhere Upstate New York. I was almost back to my apartment when I thought of something.

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