S.W.S.S.S.S 2

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"You called for a meeting." Sam said and I sat the formule down.

"I want to know if you want this as well. Mainly for the healing factor. If you don't that's fine. I won't push you to it, and I'll tell the others not to as well, or I'll lock them in a room while Pepper, Aunt May and MJ are mad." I said.

"That's way too scary to even picture. Never say something like that again." Sam said and I snorted.

"I don't see why we shouldn't. Especially if a mission goes south. Means more of a fighting chance, of surviving and getting the mission done faster." Nat said.

"Nat's right." Clint said.

"Nothing spiderey, right?" Sam asked.

"Nothing spidery, just the strength, slightly heightened senses, and the healing." I said.

"Oh good. I do not want to be sticking to anything and then breaking it."

"God that was awful when I got my powers, even worse, when I can hear everything in my old apartment building." I said with a shiver, which made Sam laugh.

"So to clarify. You three, are down for the serum?" Bruce asked.

"Yes." They said.

"Alright. We'll have to do this one at a time. Nat, would you like to go first?" I asked and she nodded before she followed Helen Cho out. I left with them, explaining what I experienced in gaining my powers. After that, I left her in the very capable hands of Helen, and went over to Pepper's office, and went over some paperwork with MJ. After a week, Pepper reclaimed her office, but thanked MJ and I for our hard work, so I went up to Nat who was sitting up in the medbay.

"Hey, how you feeling?" I asked.

"It's weird, hearing everything several floors below."

"Ya, you get used to it." I said and then held out my hand, which she took and I pulled her off the bed. We walked around, talking when she just stopped.

"I can pick up Steve with one hand now, can't I?" she asked softly and I laughed.

"Yes. Wanna try now?"

"Yes!" She said and took off running with me right on her heels. We go to the common room, and she slid to a stop behind Steve.

"Hey, Steve hold still." Nat said.

"Ah, okay." Steve said and Nat pulled him off the ground which made me and Bucky start laughing as Steve's face.

"Can you put me down, Nat?" Steve asked which made Bucky and I laugh even harder, since he sounded like a child. Nat did, and then she kissed my cheek.

"Come. Let's go train, Маленький паук." Nat said and I nodded once I could breath, patted Steve on the arm, and left him to be teased by Bucky. Nat and I trained, and laughed when I smiled.

"Sam's reaction to morning jogs!" I said and Nat smirked, before we took off to go find Sam.

"SAM!" I yelled making him scream in the kitchen.

"FRIDAY, you recorded that, right?" Nat asked.

"Of course." FRIDAY said.

"Perfect, make that a meme, within the hour." I said and then clapped my hands.

"Serum, now or next week to get back at Capsicle for On Your Left?" I asked, ignoring the glare he sent me.


"Perfect! FRIDAY!"

"Helen and Bruce are already there." She said and I smiled before taking Sam to the medbay.

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