Avengers Meets the Kids

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I sighed as I ran a hand down my face after I recieved the call from the UN confirming the other Avengers pardons. 

"Tony, what's wrong?" I heard Pepper ask. 

"The Avengers have been pardoned." I said 


"The Avengers have been pardoned.  They are coming back to the compound." 

"Are you okay?"

"Not really, but the world does need us. Great, now I gotta tell the kids they can't have their movie marathon here." I said.

"I'll call them. You just relax some before you go make sure everything if put together. Alright?"

"Alright." I said softly before I softly kissed her and walked out, calling out orders for FRIDAY.

Pepper POV

I waited until Tony was gone, before I pulled out my phone. 


"Yes, BOSS Lady?"

"Make sure Tony can't access the call I'm about to take, or to let him know what I'm planning. I think it's time we watched MJ and I yell at the Avengers." I said. 

"Of course, BOSS Lady. On that day, shall I record the Avengers being yelled at?"

"Yes. Make sure you get all their reactions." I said before I called Peter.

"Oh. Good morning, Pepper! I'm not missing any meetings, or deadlines am I?"


"Somethign wrong with you or Tony?"

"We are physically fine."

"What's wrong?" 

"Well, the other Avengers got pardoned. Tony wanted to call and cancel your movie marathon with MJ, Harley and Ned."

"I sense you wish for us to be there for another reason."

"Indeed. I'll keep you updated on when they should arrive, so you can all terrize them, before MJ and I be the finale and break down their will power." 

"Please, tell me this is going to be recorded."


"Pepper. I'm so glad your family to me, because I would hate to be your enemy."

"I'm sure you are. I'll keep you posted, and you make sure to tell the others but don't tell Tony, okay?"

"I won't." Peter said and a moment later, I heard an explosion and then screams.


"I did nothing to cause that. I'm out with Ned, on Park Avenue but now I have to go deal with a mechanized Rhino. I'll be careful. Bye!" Peter said and hung up. I let out a slow breath at that.


"I'm already contacting the clean up crews, as well as notifying Spider-Man to help with the clean up as much as he can without risking his identity." 

"Thank you." I said before I walked down the hall already on the phone once more, already getting information.

A week later, it was time. I made sure Tony was still asleep when I got up, and FRIDAY started her part of keeping Tony away. I got to the kitchen to see , Ned, Harley and MJ all eating, with Peter still cooking breakfast.

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