Iron Man 3, Asgard, Thanos and Grandparents are Alive?

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Roughly takes place dring Iron Man 3, which is only a couple months after Avengers. Still female Peter as Penny. Anyway, enjoy.  

"Alright, I'm calling it a night dad. Don't stay up to late, please." I said as I yawned.

"I won't, stay up to much longer, Bambina." Dad said before he leaned over and kissed my forehead.

"Good night."

"Night, dad." i said before I left his lab with another yawn. One in my room, I quickly changed after washing up some, then crawled into bed.

"Good night, Young Mistress." JARVIS said.

"Good night, JARVIS." I said around another yawn, as Goose made herself comfortable next to me, before I was slowly lured to sleep. 

When I opened my eyes, I was on the ground looking up at my dad, who looked so torn apart as he held my hand. I looked around only to see the bodies of the Avengers, while the Hulk was deeply struggling to fight off his own death, with large spears sticking out of him. I turned my head some more, only to see a large ship, with someone sitting in the front. That someone instantly putting fear into me, as I watched it fly through a portal similar to the one from New York, with more Aliens. I blinked and the scene changed, where I watched as the same Purple being destroy a city on some other planet just to get a purple rock, before he put it into some sort of glove, where he tensed some, before he was fine. 

 "One down. Five to go." He said before the scene changed, and I was watching him attack a much shorter haired Thor, with the purple stone, as Loki watched in fear, before Loki handed over the Tesseract. 

"Take it, Thanos. But my brother lives." Loki said and I watched as Thanos took the Tesseract, shattered it only to reveal a blue stone. Loki tried to attack, Thanos but Thanos snapped his neck, and then left, where he destroyed some other place, to collect the red stone, where he was attacked by a group of people only for him to grab the green one. I watched as he forced her to watch her sister be tortured before she broke down and said that the stone was on Vormir, only for Thanos to throw her off the cliff for the stone.

I ended up on an Alien planet with dad, the group that attacked Thanos, and someone else who looked familiar. We all attacked him, but failed and he took the green stone from the other man that was with us. I blinked and I was standing next to Steve as he faced down Thanos, who was going toward a red and green person that held a stone in his forehead. I watched as the person died twice before Thanos screamed as all Six stones seemed to surge through him, before Thor attacked Thanos with an Ax.

"I told you, you'd die for that." Thor said as he shoved the ax further into Thanos' chest.

"You should have gone for the head." Thanos got out before he lifted his hand and snapped his fingers, where I watched half of everything turn to dust. 

I woke up with a strangled scream, and looked around breathing heavily.

"Young Mistress, is everything all right? You sound on the verge of a panic attack." JARVIS said softly.

"Just. Just a bad dream, that's all. Just need some fresh air." I said.

"Shall I open a window, your balcony, or shall I send, Sir a notification, letting him know, your stepping outside to go sit outside?" JARVIS asked.

"Balcony." I said as I carefully threw my covers off, and silently walked over. I was sitting in one of my chairs, with my legs up, looking up at the stars, that I was actually able to see thanks to dad, living a bit farther away from the city, and for JARVIS for turning off this side of the house, lights. I watched as a plane light blinked in the sky before I turned to look at my door since I heard dad.

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