You're my Dad (Not the vine) and Field Trip

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 I was going through some old boxes with Aunt May, when I came across an envelope that had my name on it.

"Hey Aunt May, do you know what this is?" I asked as I held it up. I watched as she looked over.

"Sorry, no. I don't remember seeing that. Put it to the side, and we'll go over it later." She said and I nodded, then put it to the side. After a couple more hours, we finished up, and carried everything back. A week later, I found the envelope once more, so I sat down at my desk, while Aunt May was at work. 

"Peter, what I'm about to tell you in this letter is going to be quite shocking, and will most likely make you very upset, but Richard isn't your father." I read and I blinked in shock as my blood turned cold.

"The truth is, your father is Tony Stark. Richard and I were in the middle of a long break when I went to a gala, where I met Tony. After several drinks, one thing led to another, and after that night. I didn't think about it. Richard and I soon got back together, and about a month later, I fell ill. I went to one of my friends who was a doctor and she told me I was pregnant with you. At first, I really did think you were Richard's son, but it wasn't until you were born, that I knew you weren't. You inherited Stark's hair and eyes, but Richard thought your hair would lighten up as you got older, and I didn't have the heart to tell him the truth. God, you were so cute and tiny back then. Richard and I left, to keep you safe, since we were working on making enhanced spider's, that were supposed to help people heal, and be stronger, but we found out that the company was selling it under the table for illegal human experimentation, turning the subjects into super soldiers, so Richard and I secretly changed the formula." I read and I let out a shaky breath as I stopped to wipe my eyes.

"Richard, tried to make it to where the Spider's would only work for his bloodline, but I changed the blood, to mine. I don't have any blood family, minus you. My son, my pride, and joy. I did it, because I know, that they will try to continue the project only for them to fail and wonder why, but I know that if a Spider got loose, it would go and find you, entrusting you with its powers, to do what is right. I know it's so wrong for me to wish the pain before the powers, onto you, but I know you will do right by them. I do not want you to hate Richard for not being your father, or that I never told you in person, or that I never told Tony, he had became a father. I'm not even going to tell you what to do, other than this. I will never regret having you, and I know you'll do what you think is right. I love you, and I always will." I read and put the letter down, in shock, as I freely cried. 

After about ten minutes, I grabbed my phone and called Pepper, praying she wasn't in a meeting or to busy.

"Oh, Peter. I was just fixing to call you about giving your school a chance to tour Stark Industries." Pepper said.

"Do. Do you have any meetings in the next hour or so?" I asked her.

"No, I don't have any meetings until tomorrow. Why?"

"Do you mind if I stop by? I have something I want you to help me with." I said.

"I don't mind. Do you want me to send Happy?"

"No. I. I need to swing over there, to help clear my head." i said and she let out a slow breath.

"Alright. Try and not hit any buildings this time, okay sweetie?" She asked and I couldn't help but laugh softly at that.

"I'll try not to. I'll be over soon." I said before hanging up. I quickly left Aunt May a note, telling her I went to the tower, just in case, she decided to come home early while I was still out, before I quickly jumped into my suit, made sure I put mom's letter into my bag, made sure I had a change of clothes, and my badge, before I left. Swinging to the tower, is exactly what I needed, since I was able to think a bit clear, before I got to my window of the tower. FRIDAY let me in and then shut the window behind me.

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