Aunt Pepper, Field Trip and Cancer

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I got home from school, tossing my keys into bowl, and pulled out one earphone.

"Aunt May, I'm home." I said but was only created with the sound of an empty apartment. I walked further in to see a note on the table.

"I got called in for the night shift. Do not forget, your spending the night at your Aunt Pepper's. Call her as soon as you read this, to let her know your packing your overnight bag. Text me, when your home and when you've made it to Pepper. I larb you, Peter." I read. I sat it down, and sent Aunt May a text saying I made it home. Pepper Potts isn't my blood aunt, just like how Aunt May isn't blood related to me, but Pepper was one of my mom's closest friends before they left. Pepper wasn't around a lot when I was younger, due to her working for Tony Stark, but she did try. I get to see her a lot more now, that Stark Industries, has a headquarters here, so I end up spending once or twice a week over at her place. I'm even allowed to 'work' in the labs, as long as I don't sneak away or try to do anything to dangerous, and it's a great learning experience. I thought as I started to walk to my room, when I hit the end table by the couch.

"Shit!" I said not to loudly, as to not upset Ms. Riley next door, when I noticed an envelope. I picked it up, and saw that it was opened and for Aunt May, but I also noticed that it held the New York Cancer and Blood specialists logo, and I felt my blood turn cold. I quickly flipped through it, only to see that it was test results, positive for Ovarian Cancer. I almost dropped the papers in shock, but I didn't. I quickly took pictures of them, put them back into the envelope, before putting the envelope back, as I called Pepper to let her know I was packing my overnight bag.

"Perfect. I'll send Happy right over to get you."

"I'm perfectly fine with riding the subway, Aunt Pepper." I said and I could all but hear her eye roll.

"I'm just going to pretend you didn't say that. Please, be in the car with Happy when you arrive. I have one last meeting to attend for the day, but it shouldn't take me to long. So you can either do your homework, in my office, or go around R&D for a little bit."

"Yes, Aunt Pepper." I said and I knew she smiled.

"Now. What do you want for dinner?"


"The usual?"

"Who else?"

"Sounds perfect. See you soon, Peter."

"See you soon, Aunt Pepper." I said and she hung up. I quickly packed my overnight bag, and started reading the pictures of Aunt May's paperwork, until I got a text from Happy saying he was outside. I made sure the door was locked, before I headed out, and got into the back of Happy's Car.

"Hey, Kid."

"Hi, Mr. Happy. How are you?"

"Busy as always. How's school?"

"Good. I got a hundred on my physics test, and my Spanish test."

"That's good. How'd you do on your Robotic Project?"

"Ned and I are in the top Three, to head to the next round."

"What'd you place?"

"First." I said as I continued to look at my phone.

"That's great! What's the next round?"

"Making our robot do the same commands just upgraded."

"Meaning, making them more complex."

"Yep." I said as I continued to read off my phone.

"What's got you so focused on your phone?"

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