Pepper's Pregnant. Baby Room and Gender Reveal Party

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MJ, Ned and I were all sitting in the common room of the Penthouse, Tony and Pepper bought, after the Avengers Civil War, and them selling the Tower, with a crap ton of snacks stacked around us, and all of our school work, muttering curses as we worked and compared answers, when I heard the elevator.

"Are you three okay? FRIDAY, says you three sound like you are trying to conjure up something in my common room." Tony said as he walked in.

"We're just studying for our winter finals." I said.


"Can I just exchange my soul for perfect grades without studying?" Ned asked.

"Fuck I wish." MJ muttered.

"Well, when are your finals?"

"Next week." I said.

"And if we fail them, we have to retake them during Winter Break." MJ said.

"Huh. Well, how about you all just take a one hour break, since Pepper and dinner will arrive soon."

"Ya, sure." we all said, before marking our places in our books, then wandered over to the other room, that Tony labeled the Teen room, since it was loaded with just a crap ton of movies, games, beanbags and a bunch of other stuff for us.

"I wanna rage. Put in Mario Kart." MJ said as she plopped down on her purple beanbag. I nodded and grabbed our controllers, while Ned set up the game. I plopped down in my red beanbag, while Ned got into a blue one.

"Ned, you bitch!" MJ yelled as I sat silently in first place.

"Sorry, MJ." Ned said but he was trying not to laugh.

"Blue shell! Get some, Parker." MJ said but I just raised an eyebrow, and crossed the finish line, winning.

"You were saying, MJ?" I asked with a smirk, making her growl and flip me off. I started laughing before Tony stuck his head in.

"Dinner's here, kiddos."

"We're coming." I said with a slight laugh, before we walked out, after turning the game off. We said hello to Pepper before sitting down at the table, and started to catch up, when I felt like something was off.

"Something wrong, Peter?" Pepper asked and I let out a soft sigh.

"I don't know. Something just Nothing dangerous, just off." I said.

"Maybe your just stressed. You three have been studying a lot lately." Pepper said.

"Ya, maybe." I said with a nod before changing the subject, still feeling like something was off. Two weeks later, I yawned as I stumbled into the common room, before I face planted onto the couch.

"Peter, are you okay?" Pepper asked.

"Tired, but I passed my exams." I said after turning my head.

"That's good." Pepper said and I hummed as she reached over and started to run her fingers through my hair, making me relax. I closed my eyes, listening to the soft humming that was FRIDAY, Pepper typing on her phone, her two heartbeats. I blinked before sitting straight up, where I just stared at her.

"I've really lost it." I muttered.

"I don't follow, Peter."

"I'm hearing two heartbeats coming from you." I said and she let out a laugh.

"That's impossible unless I'm-. Son of a bitch." She said only softly saying the last part with wide eyes, then looked at me.

"Not a word of this, until I know for sure." She said and I nodded, before she left, telling FRIDAY to delete the last five minutes of footage, while she started to call her doctor. I yawned once more, before I put my phone on the table, playing music softly where I told FRIDAY to wake me up in two hours. Two hours later, I woke up with a groan after falling off the couch, from Tony's stupid custom made alarm clock noise for me.

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