Peter meets Pepper Potts

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I woke up in the morning, with a groan since I was sore and covered in some bruises that were almost done healing from patrol last night. I looked at my suit and sighed since I would have to go to Mr. Stark to fix it, since it got a large hole in it from where it got snagged on a piece of metal shrapnel. 

"Peter, if you don't hurry up, you'll be late. Again!" I heard Aunt May say and I yelped as I fell out of my bed. 

"I'm up!" I yelled back before quickly getting dressed. I threw my suit into my bookbag, and headed out, catching the apples Aunt May threw at me. 

"Don't forget, I'll be working late. Just because I'm working late, doesn't mean you can extend your patrol time." Aunt May said.

"I won't. Eleven p.m and my homework has to be done beforehand." I said and she smiled.

"Excatly. Have a good day, Peter. I larb you." 

"I larb you too, Aunt May. Don't overstress yourself at the hospital." I said with a smile before I was gone. I put my headphones in as I walked to the station, where I pulled out my phone to text Mr. Stark. 

"Morning, Mr. Stark."

"Your highly energetic this early in the morning, Underroos. Anyway, what's the problem?" 

"I, may have gotten a hole in my suit." 

"You what?! Are you okay?! Did you get shot at? Stabbed?!" I read and I blinked in surprise at his response. 

"I'm fine. Just a few bruises left that's all, I promse. I didn't get shot or stabbed. My suit got snagged on a piece of shrapnel when I dodged a punch. The shrapnel didn't even touch my skin." I quickly typed before I waited giving up my spot to an elderly man who patted my arm. 

"Jesus christ, kid. Thank you for my early morning heart attack. I'm still going to pull up Karen's recordings to double check anyway. Also, come to the lab after school and we'll fix it up." 

"Someone has to keep you on your toes, Mr. Stark. Sure, I'll swing by after school." I typed. 

"Ah, no. Happy will pick you up. Your not fighting me on this either. If I find out you didn't get into the car, I'm calling your Aunt." I read and I scowled at that but sighed. 

"Okay, Mr. Stark." I typed before I put my phone away as I got to my station. I got out and quickly jogged to school, where I caught up with Ned. 


"Hey, Ned. What's up?" I asked as we did our handshake as we headed to my locker. 

"What's up, Penis?!" I heard Flash yell, but I ignored him as I waved through the crowd. 

"Nothing much. Oh, and sorry but I can't come over tomorrow like we planned." 

"What, why?" I asked.

"Got family coming in. I just found out this morning." Ned said. 

"Nah, we're cool man." I said.

"Morning, Losers." I heard and turned my head slightly to see MJ. 

"Good morning, MJ. Do we have practive this afternoon?" I asked. 

"No. The teacher's all have a manditory meeting, and I've got a doctor's appointment, so you have a pass so you can go be Spideryboy without me yelling at you." She said, thankfully said the last half of her voice, just above a whisper, so no one else wouldn't hear her. 

"It's Spider-Man." I mumbled. 

"Not with puberty still affecting your voice, your not." She said and I shot her an annoyed look making her snort. 

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