Black Widow's Son 2

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I woke up in the morning, in a bed, which was a shock to me, since I didn't even remember falling asleep in the first place.

"Good morning, Pyotr. Your mother and the rest of the Avengers are awake, fixing breakfast." I heard someone say, causing me to jump some, before I remembered I was safe. I got a message out to the Avengers. To mom.

"Morning, JARVIS. Who put me to bed?" I asked.

"Your mother did. You fell asleep during the credits to Lilo and Stitch." JARVIS said and I nodded before slipping out of bed, to a bit warmer floor.

"I took the liberty of heating the floor a few degrees."

"Thank you, JARVIS." I said before I yawned.

"How do I get to mom and the others anyway?" I asked.

"Follow the path, and I handle the rest." JARVIS said, so I followed the light line out of my room, and to the elevator. After a few minutes, the elevator stopped and opened, to the room from yesterday, so I followed my nose to the kitchen where I found everyone else. Thor was sitting down at the table, while Steve was cooking. Clint was leaning against the counter, drinking out of the coffee pot, with Dr. Banner shaking his head at him, while he from the smell of it, fixed himself a cup of tea, while mom was helping Steve, when Thor smiled at me.

"Good morning, Young Pyotr. Did you sleep well?" He asked making everyone turn and smiled at me, while mom stopped helping to hug me. I leaned into her touch, and nodded.

"I don't even remember falling asleep, though." I said and Steve nodded.

"Ya, that's what happens when your body registers it's safe with your parent. Happened to me all the time, when I was younger." Steve said and I hummed in response, before I sat down next to Thor, after mom kissed my head.

"Is there anything, you like to do?" Dr. Banner asked me as he passed me a glass of orange juice, that mom had poured.

"I like science, when I'm not being the experiment." I said and that made a flash of anger cross mom's face before it was gone just as fast.

"Mom and I, used to dance and read together a lot before I was taken from her. I was still allowed to read books that didn't always involve science, or other languages, but it was very rare, and I wasn't allowed to dance. It was always training, mission, lessons, resistance, attempts of brainwashing, acting like I was under their control, more training, mission and lessons, followed by escape attempts to leak information, more attempts of brainwashing after wiping my mind. Found out, no matter how spicy the food was, I could eat it without a problem." I said.

"Ya, we'll be changing that." Clint and Mom said at the same time, which caused the two of them to glare at each other, which made me and the others laugh, which caused everyone to smile. Soon, mom handed me a plate, that held food.

"Pancakes, with butter and syrup with a side of scrambled eggs, and a fresh fruit bowl."

"Smells good." I said before I started to eat, keeping in mind to eat slower. I was still eating when I heard someone coming, with something swooshing.

"Someone's here." I said making everyone react, before someone wearing an eyepatch, and a trench coat rounded the corner.

"What in the hell do you all think you are doing pointing your weapons at me?" He asked.

"You're Director Nick Fury." I said as I looked at him, while everyone else went back to eating.

"I am. And you are?" 

"He's my son, Nick. Pyotr, meet Nick Fury. Nick, meet my son." Mom said and he blinked his one eye in shock before he leaned in slightly closer, analyzing me, so I analyzed him right back.

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