Pregnant and Spider's don't like lavender or Peppermint

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I yawned as Happy drove me to the compoud, and I could feel him eyeing me about how quiet i was being.

"You okay, kid?"

"Ya. Just tired."

"What's going on?"

"Studying for finals."

"Ah. I don't miss those days." Happy said and I grunted in return before I grabbed my headphones.

"I'm going to take a nap." I said as I plugged them into my phone, before I started to listen to some music. I came to, with a light shake and I groggily opened my eyes.

"Hey, kid. We're here." Happy said and I blinked away the last of my sleepiness but nodded.

"Thanks, Happy. I'll see you later." I said as I grabbed my bookbag, and my overnight bag, before getting out of his car. I yawned as I walked through the front door, before softly singing along to Saving Abel, where I quickly pulled my badge out of my bag. I held it up, at Leah who sent me a smile.

"Welcome back, Peter."

"Thanks, Leah. Love the new hair color, by the way. Violet looks amazing." I said and she cooed at me, while I put my hand on the scanner.

"Look at you being a little sweetheart." Leah said and I rolled my eyes.

"Or, I'm just being honest. Anyway, see you later, Leah." I said as I headed to the private elevator. 

"I will try to find my place in the Diary of Jane..." I softly sang as I headed to the kitchen. 

"Something's getting in the way. Somethings just about to break.I will try to find my place in the Diary of Jane...So tell me how it should be!" I said as I continued to sing, as I grabbed the container than had my name on it, curtisy of Pepper. I then reached into the fridge and grabbed two bottles of juice. I then reached over and grabbed one of the protien bars, Helen and I created to help curb my matebalism, before turning around only to see the Avengers, an annoyed Tony and a slightly amused Pepper, who quickly walked up, and carefully took my earphones out. 

"Welcome back, Peter. How was school?" She asked me with a kind smile. 

"I-It's good. Finals start Monday, so I'm tired." I got out without much stuttering, then I glanced behind her.

"W-What's going on and why didn't Happy tell me they were here?" I asked. 

"The Accords are being changed heavily, due to Ross being charged with a lot of heavy and illegal shit." Tony said and I nodded, mentally preparing myself for that phone call from MJ. You know, maybe I should just hand the phone over to Pepper for that. I thought and I raised an eyebrow.

"Happy was supposed to tell you, before you arrived."

"I. Um. I took a nap in the car, and I was listening to music." I said. 

"Overload?" Pepper asked.

"Not exactly. Just tired and Flash is."

"Being a little shit because he's jeaslous of you." Tony said and I furrowed my brow.

"I don't see what he has to be jealous of."

"You work with me, kid." 

"All I see you trying to do is inflate your ego, even more than it already is." I snarked causing him to gap at me, while Pepper just out right laughed. 

"Your a little shit, you know that."

"So you've told me." I said before Pepper hugged me. 

"He's mine now, Tony." 

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