W.I.H.N.T 2

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It was two weeks after Ava and Wendy showed up, and we had Natasha at our headquarters training them and MJ, while Sam was training Tom. I observed them a little bit longer before I headed to my office that was here. I locked the door, and made my window's black, before I sat my hand on my desk.

"Scan complete. Please enter your passward." I read and I typed in my passward, before part of my desk opened up to reveal the toolbox, Fury gave me. I was swipping through the toolbox looking for anything that could help Wendy train, when there was a knock on my door. I quickly put the toolbox away, before opening the door to reveal MJ. 

"Hey, Nat told me to take a break while she teaches Ava and Wendy."

"Okay. How's that going?" I asked letting MJ in, before shutting and locking the door once more then sat down once more. 

"Ava has picked it up pretty quickly but Wendy is still trying to use her powers for everything." 

"That won't do." I said and MJ hummed in response before sitting down in my lap.

"What where you working on?"

"Reading some files." I said.

"I don't see any files."

"That's because these aren't made of paper." I said before I put my hand on my desk once more. 

"Scan complete. Please enter your passward." I read and I did before the tool box appeared.

"What's with the tiny box?"

"This is what Fury calls the tool box. It's what was used to help keep SHIELD alive when HYDRA took over, and Fury made Coulson the Director. Every SHIELD file and protocal since the start, right in my desk to learn from. It's Level Ten access." I said.

"I'm only level eight. We'll get into trouble."

"I know, which is why I talked to Fury yesterday. I can't be the only level ten on the team and he agreed to let you be a level ten agent. I'll still be the head Level ten, but I wanted someone I trusted to report to Fury when I couldn't. Especially one that wouldn't ramble or be intemmidated" I said.


"Let's get you a passward." I said and she nodded before spending ten minutes on that. 

"Alright. Only ever bring it out when your alone or I'm in the office with you." I said and she nodded before we left my office talking, heading back to the training room where Nat was still training Ava and Wendy, only Wendy was trying to use her powers. I shook my head at the sight as I leaned against the wall, with MJ.

"Wendy, you need to stop trying to use your powers. You need to learn how to fight without them." I said.

"Oh that's so great from someone who uses them more than I do." She said and I just tilted my head to the side some.

"Oh lord." MJ muttered.

"That is true, but I can win without my powers." I said and Nat nodded.

"It's true. He's one single handled against all of us, without useing his powers." Ned said.

"Had a giant bruise from where he made me slam into the ground after a flip. Fucking awesome, though." Tom said and I snorted before I turned my attention back to Wendy once more.

"There is going to be times where you cannot use your powers and you have to defend yourself. You use your body to it's fullest, as well as your surroundings. This training is preparing you for that day." I said and Wendy snorted.

"Alright how about a wager." I said and she looked at me with interest.

"You come at me with everything you've got and I'll fight you without using my powers. If you win, train to your hearts containt with your powers and I'll even step down as the leader, letting MJ take my spot." I said.

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