SHIELD's Demi-God, Monster Proof Tech, and no more Triggers 2

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I kicked the doors to the council room open to see Natasha pointing a gun at Pierce while Fury was calm as always.

"Agent Winter Spider," Fury said with hidden pride in his voice as I made it here without dying.

"Director Fury, welcome back. Terribly sorry you had to come back to work in such conditions. I was hoping to be a few minutes ahead of schedule in getting SHIELD back from HYDRA but I ran into quite a few problems," I said as I looked at Pierce.

"Quite understandable," he said.

"Who is this Agent? Why haven't I heard anything about them?" Pierce asked.

"Agent Winter Spider works right next to me as does Agent Maria Hill. Agent Winter Spider has a higher classification than you do, Mr. Pierce. Agent, before I allow you to do your business with Mr. Pierce, please bring up the SHIELD files," Fury said.

"Yes sir," I said before I walked over to the screen and started typing after making sure I had no blood on my hands.

"The counter virus working perfectly, sir. Zola is being deleted from the servers and you are getting your access back as I speak. All HYDRA agents that aren't killed or apprehended here are being apprehended in public with full evidence for their crimes without fully saying there were HYDRA as HYDRA was proclaimed wiped out during World War Two," I said.

"Wonderful. Agent Romanoff will remain with me as you deal with Mr. Pierce," Fury said and I gave Pierce a dark look before I was behind him before he could react, instantly knocking him out.

"I will see you both later," I said before I dragged Pierce out.

About ten minutes later, Pierce woke up in our new location, strapped to a chair in a dungeon of SHIELD, that I redid to help withstand the Greek fire that would soon consume the place.

"Welcome back to the awake world, Alexander Pierce. How are you feeling?" I asked without looking at him as I spun an unopened needle in my hand.

"Who the hell are you? What do you want with me? Let me go! I'm your commander!" He yelled and I let out a soft and dry snort as I removed my mask and contact.

"I think you know exactly who I am," I said and I watched in glee as he paled while stopping his yelling.

"The Asset's daughter, Persephone Barnes, the deadest Black Widow of the Red Room," He whispered.

"Nice to meet you again, Alexander also I'd be careful with names. Names have power," I said as I started to open the needle.

"I'm sure you can figure out why I have you strapped to that chair,"

"What are you going to do with me?" he stuttered out.

"I'm going to kill you but very slowly. After all, I think it's only fair I torture you to death for a part of your crimes against my father and I. The rest of your torture will be done in the Underworld," I said as I filed the needle up from a vial of toxin that would make his pain worse.

"Underworld?" he stuttered out.

"You know the old stories of the Greek and Roman Gods? Well, they aren't stories. Demi-Gods? They are real. Daughter of Aphrodite and James Barnes, but because of how I was raised, I'm an honorary child of Ares, the God of War. The Underworld is basically Hell," I said before I carefully stabbed his arm with the needle making him curse.

"This is going to make your pain excessively worse," I said and he started to stutter out his response but I tuned him out.

Once Pierce was dead, I reloaded my weapons before I threw the greek firebomb into the room and ran out, slamming the door behind me. I turned the wheel to lock the room before I headed to the rook where I saw one of the helicarrier still up.

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