Rules at Stark Industries.

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Is Stark Industries a normal innovative and excellent business mogul? No, they are not. Stark Industries, is a mystery to outsiders, but a largely overprotective family, that will ruin lives if you attempt any leaks, theft or sabotaging of the company, for any other company. Looking at you Hammer Industries and Oscorp. Stark Industries, alongside the Avengers, SHIELD and Tony Stark and Pepper Potts herself will make you just disappear if you even think about harming their Science Kids. Even the former employees will not talk about what SI does, and even if they did, they would be sued for every penny and written off as insane. Former employees who left on a bad note, even help the bag eggs be written off as insane, and wanting nothing more than revenge.

Stark Industries is a family and will do anything to keep their family happy. Now that we've got that covered, let's talk about the Unwritten Rules that are written down in a shared Stark Document. JARVIS our previous overlord started it and made sure it was well protected and our current Overlord, FRIDAY helps keep it updated and protected.

Stark Industries protects their own. From the janitors, to Legal and up to the Avengers and the Science Kids, (plus the Science Kids families).

Former Agent Rylee Mark, quit SHIELD when Tony Stark revealed that he stopped the leak of all SHIELD information that Rogers and Romanoff had so graciously dumped with no regard to the fallout; Rylee had joined Stark Industries in Security on floor five of R&D. Rylee had her daughter to think about and wasn't going to risk her daughter's safety with the fall of SHIELD, (Before SHIELD was rebuilt). Anyway, while doing her rounds in R&D, her former partner started shouting and cursing at her before he was quickly taken down by another security guard, while Rylee was gently lead away, quickly comforted and reassured before Legal went after her former Partner. Sufficient to say Rylee and her daughter soon moved out of their crappy apartment and into one better, after Legal spit out her former SHIELD partner, who quickly left the city and stayed quiet in fear of SI.

2. The rubber ducks are Sacred. You may admire another's duck but you never touch them without permission. This is enforced on pain of death: Exceptions are made if the person is just a small child or they were touched by accident. (More on the ducks later.)

"Okay newbie," A stern female voice from behind Mike spoke up.

"You might not know this, but if you touch those ducks on my desk again, I will castrate you without a second thought." Mike wisely stepped away from the ducks. 

3. Don't mention Howard Stark or Obidiah Stane in this establishment unless on tours in which the history of this company is explained. It's considered blasphemy and you will be automatically be blacklisted. If blacklisting doesn't work, well consider yourself without a job. 

Note: This rule does not Apply to the Science Kids, as they say those names to curse them, as well as to change whatever blueprints they made, to either fully change them or just upgrade them, to make them better and to run on cleaner energy. 

"We are ignoring Matt, why again?"

"He mentioned our traitorous 'founders' where we could hear. He's been here for two years and knows the rules and why. He still has a week. He's folding; don't pity him. He knowingly got himself blacklisted."

"Fair point. Fuck him."

4. Anything and everything that happens in Stark INdustries STAYS in Stark Industries. We've never had a leak and we pride ourselves on it. FRIDAY is our Overlord and she has helped significantly along with the many NDA's we have signed.

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