Witchcraft, Internships, Harley and a New Team

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I was laying on the couch with my head in MJ's lap, as she sketched waiting for Ned and Tom to arrive so Sam could start therapy. Something that Aunt May, Mrs. Leeds, and Mrs. Thomspon all said we needed after everyone undid the Snap. Tom and I were taking it since we were part of the ones Snapped, while MJ and Ned were taking it for the aftermath, plus the riots that broke out, that caused Aunt May and I to start living in the tower that Pepper rebought after the other company put it up for sale due to the reactor. Tony and Pepper got married, which was a really hyped out event. Bigger than the royal wedding, hyped. Tony retired as Iron Man, Rhodney was still Iron Patriot (still a shitty name), but lived in the tower with us when he wasn't in D.C. During the weekends we'd head over to the compound for training. 

Flash really changed from the Snap and we all started to call him Tom. Tom even landed an internship with Stark Industries with Ned and MJ. MJ worked directly with Pepper as her Intern. Nat took a liking to MJ and was teaching her. While Ned worked directly under the head of the coding department, but would be pulled out to work with Tony and I. Tom was really excelling in the clean energy department, and we'd pull him out to work in the lab as well. Sam took a liking to Tom as well and was training him. 

"What are you drawing?" I asked her to get out of my head. 

"Just something I keep seeing. Have been for a while. Same three numbers and a place. Twelve, five, forty-two. And an alleyway. I just. I have this really bad feeling and it hasn't been this bad since the field trip." MJ said as she stopped and tilted her sketchbook so I could see it to see those three numbers and the alleyway. 

"Well, Ned and I both say your psychic." I said with a half shrug, before MJ started to run her fingers through my hair, making me relax even more. 

"Since when?"

"Couple years, start of eigth grade actually. Around the time your Grandma Emily left to go spend time with her sister." I said and MJ froze making me open my eyes to look at her, where I could all but see her putting the pieces together. 

"I need to go make a call. Sam, can I reschedule my therapy to be a couple hours from now?" 

"Ya, sure." Sam said and I sat up.

"Did I say something wrong?" I asked her.

"No. You just gave me a clue." She said before kissing my cheek, and leaving with her sketchbook. 

"Well, okay then." I said before I looked over at Sam. 

"How are you after your last session?" 

"The nightmares aren't as bad anymore. Less panic attacks about turning to dust." I said and he nodded. 

"That's good. You know where you are when you wake up?" He asked.

"Half the time, I do." I said and he nodded before Tom and Ned showed up.

"Sorry, we're late. I had to drop off some food back at the house for mom." Tom said.

"Sup, Pete." He said.

"Not much." 

"Where's MJ?" Ned asked.

"Going to call someone." I siad. 

"And we've agreed to have her session in a couple hours." Sam said before he started our session. Once done, I headed out to the lab where I found Tony on the phone. I raised an eyebrow at him, and he held up a finger than started to write something down, then handed it to me. 

"Harley Keener. Remember when I told you about him?" I read and I nodded giving him back the paper, where he still talked on the phone as he wrote. 

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