Peter's Heart 4

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I got to the water reservoir in no time.

"Now, if I was a psycho dressed as a mechanical scorpion, where would I be?" I asked myself.

"Behind you!" I heard Mac and KAREN say at the same time. I jumped to get out of the way, but he stung me anyway. I hissed as I held my arm. 

"I'd end you now. But, Dr. Octavious is paying and he wants to torture you, which I respect." Mac said before he got away.


"Contacting Mr. Stark." She said as I forced myself to focus as I could feel myself be affected by the posion. 

"It's a. That's a sea of poison." I said when I saw it. I shook my head and looked down at my hands. 

"This. This feels family. Think. Think." I said before I foudn and shook my head once more before I saw the Iron Man suit.

"Spider-Man?" He asked and I saw that Tony was inside the suit.

"Stabbed. Poison. Hold on. KAREN, bring up chemical analysist." I said and she did.

"It's. A. It's a Ovatonix-A/ Baeocystin Mixture. Hallucinogenic neurotoxin." I got out as I shook my head some.

"Meaning, what?" Tony asked.

"My brain is going to make nightmares, that my body is going think is real. I. I need a natural steroid--extrat from an Eclipta Alba plant should be the start. Columbia greenhouse, not to far away." I said and stood up.

"Your not in good shape."

"I feel it. Just shut up and let me get to higher ground. Sea of poison is rising. Pllease." I said before taking off. I could hear him as we got to the greenhouse, and as soon as I touched the plant the toxin got even stronger, making me believe it wasn't there, and that I was listening to Otto before he went crazy. 

"Whoa, hey. You back with me buddy?" I heard Tony ask as I tried to throw a punch at him, when I snapped out of it. 


"Ya, that's me. How you feeling?" 

"Still poisoned, but I cant think a bit better. I need to create a synthetic atropine--" I said as we left the greenhosue. 

"I got that at the lab. What else?" Tony asked.

"That's it." I said.

"Good. Sorry about this." he said.

"Sorry?" i went to ask before everything turned black, but it only made things worse. I 'talked' to Otto even more. 'Fought' against Mac. I saw myself falling to my death, several times before it changed and I was being experimented on. To everyone turning on me, leaving me in the dust. I saw Michelle breaking up with me, and or being killed by my enimes. That's what made me wake up, panicking. 

"Tiger, I need you to breath with me." I heard someone say repeatedly until I could hear wihtout it sounding like someone was trying to talk to me underwater. 

"Michelle?" I got out.

"Ya, I'm here Tiger. I'm right here and I'm not breaking up with you and I'm not going to be killed by some psycho freaks in costumes." She said and I slowly calmed down even more by pressing my face into her neck, breathing in her calming scent of books, a mix of her perfume and my colonge. 

"I didn't hurt you, when I was freaking out did I?" I asked her.

"No, you did break the handrails of the bed though, as you thrashed around. It was like your body knew it didn't want to hit me." She said as she ran her hand through my hair, and I let out a slow breath.

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