Ex-Avengers Meet Peter

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Doing homework at the Avengers compound became a routine for Peter. He tended to spend every other weekend at the compound. Sometimes he was allowed to bring Ned with him, where the three of them would work in the labs, while MJ worked with Pepper. He was even allowed to do his homework in Mr. Stark's office, on Peter's own desk of course. Mr. Stark would do his own paperwork while Peter did his homework, and all he knew was that Mr. Stark was doing work on the accords. The whole routine was rather domestic. it did help that Mr. Stark wouldn't let him train until his homework was done.

"Boss." FRIDAY called out in an almost worried tone. "Steve Rogers, Sam Wilson, Natasha Romanoff, Clint Barton, Scott Lang, and Wanda Maximoff have entered the compound property and will be at your door in a minute. I apologize for not alerting you or Young Peter sooner, as I was momentarily turned off." FRIDAY said.

"What the fuck?" Mr. Stark said as the office door was opened, to reveal the Ex-Avengers. 

"Not exactly the greeting we were expecting, Tony." Clint said. 

"Well, what type of greeting were you going to expect when your not even supposed to be here? A hug? Smiles and a party thrown?" I asked with enough sarcasm clear in my voice, you could smell it. 

"Cool it with the sarcasm, kid."

"Might as well, since I can hear, Pepper and MJ, coming down." I said.

"Who's angry?"

"Both. Got anything I can snack on while we watch them get yelled at?"

"Knock yourself out. Third filing cabniet." Mr. Stark said and I pushed my chair over, and dug out a box of chees itz. A moment later, Pepper and MJ both stormed in, where they started yelling at the Ex-Avengers. I rolled over to Mr. Stark, and tilted the box over to him, as we both watched the Ex-Avengers will power start to crumble by the power of our girlfriends. Once half an hour passed, Pepper and MJ were both much calmer, while the Ex-Avengers, looked ready for the earth to swallow them up.

"FRIDAY, make sure you send that video to Ned, Helen, Rhodney, Pepper, MJ and I." I finally piped up to break the silence. 

"Who's this kid anyway?" Sam asked.

"My intern." 

"Didn't know you take interns as young as twelve." Clint said. 

"I'm seventeen, but it does make me feel beter that when I'm thirty, I'll be looking like I'm twenty, unlike you." I shot back which caused Mr. Stark to chuckle slightly. 

"Son, that's not very nice." Steve Rodgers said and I sent him a glare. 

"And neither is trying to kill your friend, who offered you a home. Better equipment to keep you and everyone else safe. You purposely with Natasha's help, leak thousands of SHIELD documents for th epublic to see, because HYDRA was growing from the inside. Because of that leak, you caused SHIELD to be shut down, leaving the world without a major contribation to it's safety. Then, you held back a major secret about Mr. Stark's parents, all to protect your childhood friend." I started and Steve went to open his mouth. 

"I'm not done. Yes, I can understand that Mr. Barnes was brainwashed and tortured for years, by HYDRA, but you should have at least told Mr. Stark the truth way before the Accords were brought into the picture. If you had told Mr. Stark sooner, you could have found Mr. Barnes sooner, and given him the treatment he needed, and none of you would have become international criminals, for going up against one hundred and seventeen countries."

"The King of Wakanda was trying to kill Bucky."

"Because, King T'Challa was blinded by his rage, and tricked into believing it was Mr. Barners that killed his father with that bomb. Mr. Barnes was trained by HYDRA to be a skilled assiassin, was he not?" I asked.

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