T.U.A.Y.M.I.W?! 2

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"Hey, Kid. Photon and Maria are almost here." Rhodes said, breaking the silence of the room.

"Crap. Right about the time, Sam and I are about to go see what's going on up there." I said as I pointed up.

"What's going on?" Fury asked.

"We can't get a signal out. Something or someone is blocking our signals. It's probably why Mom and the Guardians didn't contact us, any why we've been having more trouble translating even with our chip implants." I said.

"Chip implants?"

"Ya, it's what allows us to speak and understand other languages up in space." I said.

"And school." Fury said.

"I plead the fifth." I said and that made Tony laugh before the door slammed open.

"YOU!" We all heard and I froze, before I slowly turned around to face Aunt Maria.

"Hi, Aunt Maria." I said as she stormed in, she then harshly grabbed my cheeks.

"Ow. Ow, ow ow ow, OW!" I cried out.

"You've been radio silent for close to a year, and all I get is a HI AUNT MARIA?!"

"Okay. Ow! I'm sorry! School, work, protecting the city and the Skrulls are a lot of work." I said and she sighed before she let go of my cheeks, where I rubbed them.

"I'm just glad you're alright. We will be catching up later, though."

"Yes ma'am." I said before MJ ran in.

"Agent Venom went to Dray's. No one's there. Widow, Hawkeye, Tiger, Cloak, Dagger and I are heading out now!"

"Alright. Nova and I are fixing to fly out, to see if there's someone or something blocking our signals." I said and she nodded.

"Fly safely out there, loser. Hi, Aunt Maria."

"Hi, Sweetie. Peter, still treating you good?"

"Like the badass Queen she is. Gotta blast. Talk later, Fury. MJ take Goose with you. Bye, love you." I said before I kissed her cheek and ran out of the room.


"You love me!" I yelled back with a smirk. I got to the deck to see Sam, was already decked out in his suit.

"Ready to go back to space?"

"Always am. Race ya!"

"You're on, Bucket-Head." I said as I felt my mask form as I went Binary before we both took off. We flew past the International Space Station, and hovered there.

"Wanna try here?" I asked and he nodded so we both started to try but failed once more.

"There's gotta be something here. Circle the Planet, with your scanner on, as you keep trying." I said.

"You got it. I'm going left." He said before he flew off. I took the right, when I stopped suddenly, since something felt off. I carefully reached out only to feel something solid. Got it. I thought and pushed my power into it until the panels that made it invisible appear, and I was staring inside the ship, to a bunch of Kree, that held Ronan's symbol. I waved from the outside.

"Nova, I got them."

"On my way!"

"Hurry! They've sent out the welcome party!" I said as I moved out of the way of some pods. After about five minutes, I looked over at Nova.

"Hey! Why don't you blow off some energy while I check the ship."

"How much am I allowed to cut lose?" 

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