W.I.H.N.T 3

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Over the course of several days. Grandma Emily and MJ, casted protection spells around the house, the tower, our school, and our training headquarters, while everyone else kept a careful ear and eye out for everything, as another Witch bloodline was killed off. We were all currently at the compound, where MJ and Grandma Emily were casting the protection spell when I looked to my left, a few yards away as the Bifrost came down. Once gone, there stood Thor and Lady Sif. 

"Lady Sif. Thor. Welcome back, to Midguard. How's New Asguard?" I asked.

"New Asguard is prospering, Peter." Thor said and Lady Sif smiled at me. 

"Hello again, Peter. Where is Lady Michelle?" 

"Placing a protection spell with Grandma Emily around the comound. What brings you to Midguard?"

"I wanted to catch up with my friends." Thor said before he started to walk away.

"Wait, Thor!" I said and he stopped to look at me. 

"Be careful with Pepper. She's pregnant." I said. 

"I shall be careful. Thank you, Peter." Thor said before he walked away, where I turned to look at Lady Sif once more. 

"I asked Heimdall to keep an eye on your team. So, when he told me someone was after Lady Michelle. I wanted to help by giving her some Asguardian Spells and offer your team some training as well."

"Oh. That's really kind of you, Lady Sif. We'd be honored to learn from you." I said.

"I also hear your team has grown since we departed last time."

"We have. There's ten of us now. Our two newest members are Aleric Quill and Katie Brinks."

"And how are they?"

"Better. They've really gotten better after we rescued them out of the lab they were being held at. Really took up to their therapy as well." I said.

"That's good." Lady Sif said and I nodded before my spidey-sense went off. I straighted up and started to look around. 

"What's wrong?"

"Something isn't right. I've got this sixth sense, that let's me know when there's danger and it's going off." I said before I reached into my pocket and pulled out a second comm holding it out to her.

"I'll go left and circle around."

"I'll do the same on the right." She said as her sword and shield materalized, we shared a nod before splitting up. I was silently walking, listening before my spidey-sense went off once more, so I turned my body just in time for a dagger to fly past me. I looked at where it landed to see that it was one that Grandma Emily said was used for sacrificial rituals. I silently cursed before I put a hand to my comm, as I started dodging more dagger's left and right. 

"Everyone suit up. MJ, you keep working on that spell."

"Pete. This. We can't do this with the Avengers." Ned said. 

"Then tell them to suit up as well, and patch us through to their comms, and start giving us a rull report." I said before I threw a couple ICER bombs, and bolted over to where MJ was, to see a dude trying to stalk towards her, but I kicked him a way, where i stood defensivily in front of the casting circle. 

"Your not going anywhere near them." I said.

"I don't want to kill you, but I will. I need their power."

"You need a padded cell and a nice little jacket to hug yourself with is, what you need." I said before I blocked a punch he attempted to aim at me. 

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