SHIELD, Tattoos, Avengers, and Camp 4

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I was sitting in a meeting with Annabeth, Frank, Reyna, and the council when an Iris Message appeared.

"Chiron, it's good to see you," Renya said.

"And you as well, Reyna but I'm afraid I do not bring good news," Chiron said.

"Is Percy and Camp okay?" Annabeth asked.

"Percy is fine, Annabeth," Chiron said and I got a bad feeling in my gut.

"What happened to, Peter?" I asked and Chiron seemed to age a hundred years before my eyes.

"No, please don't tell me he's dead," I said softly as I forced back tears.

"Nico has confirmed he's not dead, but Peter's been taken. Peter was given a message that another War was getting ready to start, but he has to lead it this time." Chiron said and I let out a shaky breath, while Annabeth took my hand, to help keep me calm and to support me.

"Whoever took him, was quick about it but not quick enough as he left me one last message," Chiron said.

"What was the message?" I asked and Chiron looked down to his hand, where I assumed his phone was.

" to get in contact with the M and the Hunters of Artemis, to the base in New Jersey," Chiron said.

"That can be a number of places, and no Demi-God has ever made a base there. I didn't either." Annabeth said and I instantly knew which one.

"I know exactly which one," I said before I said the name of the base.

"I'll let the Hunters know, now. I'm so sorry, MJ." Chiron said before he ended the call. It was silent for several minutes before I went to stand up only for a quick flash of light to appear. I blinked and there stood a God.

"Lord Hermes, to what do we owe the pleasure of your presence?" Annabeth asked.

"I have a package for Miss Jones, actually. Sign here, please." Hermes said as he held out his clipboard and a pen. I did and a moment later, he handed me a box and I saw Peter's handwriting making me sit back down.

"When did you get this and why am I only getting it now?" I asked.

"After you were kidnapped and I was given a letter saying to only give you this if HYDRA took Peter, or he was killed. Ares is pissed because HYDRA has Peter once again." Hermes said and I nodded.

"What's going on?" Reyna asked and I bit my lip.

"Peter told the others himself and if you told them, he wouldn't get mad. Ares Kids' claimed him as an Honorary Member of their Cabin and have threatened bodily harm if anyone says Peter did what he did with HYDRA willingly." Hermes said and I looked at him.

"Everything?" I asked and Hermes nodded.

"He told everything. I must go, I have other Messages to pass." Hermes said and went to leave, making all of us cover our eyes. Once the light died down, Hermes was gone leaving me still holding onto the box from Peter.

"We have a War to prepare for," Reyna said and I let out a slow breath, as I looked up.

"Then, it's time you know about Peter's past and why it's a bad thing, HYDRA has him," I said.

"The floor is yours," Frank said to me and I nodded before I started talking about Peter's life up until now. Once I was done, it was deathly quiet for several minutes before Frank looked at me.

"Peter has my support. My dad doesn't just get pissed like this without reason. What HYDRA is doing is wrong. I'll even help my other Siblings if it comes down to it if someone says Peter enjoyed his time with HYDRA." Frank said.

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