Peter's Heart 2

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In the morning, I woke up to MJ grumbling about the sun, as she turned around and shoved her face into my chest.

"Morning to you too." I said.

"Shut the hell up." She muttered but I could feel her smile, which made me smirk before I kissed the top of her head, making her breath in deeply.

"Besides your ever constant and adorable cursing of the sun. How are you?"

"I'm fine. A bit sore, but nothing that won't go away after a hot shower. You didn't hurt me, I promise." She said and I let out a slow breath but nodded. We shared a few lazy kisses before getting up. Michelle heading to the shower while I went to go fix us something to eat, that's when I noticed my phone was going off like crazy, with several calls from Ned, Tony, Pepper and Aunt May. I sighed but put my phone on speaker, for Tony where he started to cuss and yell at me in Italian, where I heard one of the bots sadly beep in the background.

"Tony, stop. I'm not hurt or dying or any of that." I said just as Michelle walked in with a t-shirt wrapped around her hair, and her in my clothes which was really hot.

"Then why the hell weren't you answering your phone?!" He yelled and Michelle slapped a hand over her mouth to stop from laughing out loud.

"He was busy!" She said as she accepted the cup of tea from me.

"Peter. Chi era quello? Sei in pericolo? Impegnato con cosa?" Tony asked and I rolled my eyes.

"I'm not in danger Tony. And it's someone special. I'll see you at the tower soon." I said and hung up ignoring his sputtered waits, which made Michelle start to laugh.

"Oh god. He's going to go into helicoptor dad mode isn't he?"

"Yep." I said as I called Pepper back.

"Peter. Are you hurt?"


"Are you safe?"


"Were you injuried?"

"Nothing that hasn't healed." I said and she let out a slow breath.

"Alright. When will you be at the tower?"


"Okay. Shall I send car?"

"As long as it's not Happy, since he should be spending time with his mom." I said.

"It's not. I'm sending Allen."

"Okay. Oh, sto portando qualcuno di speciale con me. Ti piacerà." I said.

"Okay. I'll see you two then, Peter. Bundle up please."

"We will." I said and Pepper hung up.

"Now for the fun converstaion." I muttered much to Michelle's amusement as I called Aunt May.


"Oh, I like her." Michelle whispered over her cup and I twitched my lip at that.

"I was busy." I said as I smirked over at Michelle who was bright red.

"With what?"

"Whom." Michelle muttered into her cup, making me wink.

"You'll see later. Anyway. I'm alive. I'm not harmed, dying in alley way, beaten to death or any of that. All my injuries are healed." I said as I turned around, grabbing the whisk.

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