Accords, Homecoming, Wedding and Morgan 2

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After scaring Flash, I turned my attention back to everyone else.

"So, what do you want to know?" I asked.

"Do you train with the Avengers?" Abe asked.

"Yes, but mostly Natasha."

"Outside of your dad. Who's your favorite Avenger?" Cindy asked.

"Hm, I'd have to go with Nat then Thor." I said after a few moments.

"Who's going to take over the company?" Liz asked

"Harley and I. Dad doesn't want to make it go to Harley to follow the male gets everything bullshit, so he has it set up so we both get the company." I said.

"Is anyone worthy enough to pick up, Thor's Hammer?" Ned asked.


"Who?" Ned asked with stars in his eyes and I smirked.

"Classified." I said which made him pout.

"Are you trained in your dad's suits?" Abe asked.

"No. I train with Natasha the most."

"Are you going to be the next Black Widow?" Ned asked.


"Have you met Aliens?" Abe asked.


"Favorite color?" Liz asked.

"Oh, um. Red, blue. I like purple and silver." I said.

"Do you have nicknames for the Avengers?" Ned asked.

"Yes. Captain America is Capicle or Old Man. Winter Soldier is Grandpa. Dr. Banner is just Bruce or Dr. Bruce. Hawkeye is Uncle Clint, Katniss, or Legolos, depends on my mood. Thor is Sparkles. Black Widow is Aunt Nat or Mother Spider. Get the picture?" I asked and they all nodded.

"Do you know Spider-Man personally?" Liz asked and I noted the jealousy written all over her face, that she quickly hid.

"I do and I'm not giving away his identity or the like." I said.

"Have you had a conversation with Director Fury of SHIELD, and is he as scary as they say?" Abe asked.

"I have had several conversations with him and I don't find him scary at all." I said before I answered a few more questions before we all left. I looked at Ned, with a look saying he better be glad he and MJ were sharing a room, before I was gone. In the morning, I looked over at Ned who shook his head.

"Where's MJ?" Liz asked as she walked up.

"Don't know. I'll go find him." I said.

"Hurry, we have to be up there soon." She said and I nodded and went to the bathroom, where I closed my eyes only to sense MJ on top of a truck. I secretly opened a portal, and grabbed him, before jumping to his hotel room, where I let him go.

 "Shower and change into your outfit." I said before I looked at my watch.

"I'm giving you ten minutes before I drag you out. You owe me." I said and went to walk out.

"Penny, wait!" MJ said and I turned around to look at him.

"Not the time. Hurry up, MJ. We can talk later." I said before I left. I got back to the others, and Liz looked at me.


"He'll be here momentarily." I said and she nodded before started us off with some practice questions.

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